For all that have voiced their opinions as being generally unfavorable of the DAO meddling, I wonder if this is a fair middle ground to be added in and would sway your vote:
Important Note
The proposed changes are suggestions subject to the Splinterlands team’s approval and testing. The final adjustments may include variations or additional refinements to ensure they align with the overall game balance and design goals. The team is encouraged to explore alternative options during testing and provide feedback on the best course of action.
I fully realize that some of the stance taken is purely in principle that cards shall not be changed post-release, but for those of you that are on the fence and generally feel the proposed changes are simply too much, perhaps this is enough compromise to get the proposal through to the official stage
Thanks for the consideration all!
@femisapiens @eldon1 @ducecrypto @vimukthi @breakingbenjamin @sakuraba @misterrogers @davideownzall @sharkmonsters @silentriot @beelzael @captaindingus @cryptobeaver @pero82 @d-zero @nozem01 @olaf.gui @maldin
It doesn't change my stance for the reason that I don't want cards changed after release but it's an appreciated change.
Figured it wouldn't be a catch-all adjustment, but I appreciate the feedback dude. Thanks
I voted for it anyway after reading through again, but thanks for the clarification :-D
I appreciate you and all of the work you do to make the game a better place. It's totally fine for us to disagree on this one! Different ideas make for a stronger community. Keep up the great work <3
I voted YES already, but this makes it even bigger YES. 👍
that's better but to make it balanced, since the proposed reduction is to 7 mana and remove the malus, to align also to other legendary summoners the amount of units influenced by ability selection, so:
2 monsters: Blast & Deathblow
instead of 3
Sincerely hope we never change card stats after they have been released. People are making buy and sell decisions based on the original cards and changing stats after the fact will have an impact on the cards value therefore creating winners and losers with their original decisions of buying or selling the cards. If this proposal gets through for Nidhoggr, then what is next? Waka too weak? Tofu too strong? Kitty to the litter box?