I downvoted as I dislike making more than one change to a card at a time.
That said, I understand the sentiment behind it. While new cards have introduced interesting and fun abilities, there have been some poorly thought-out designs which have led to a meta dominated by Tofu. This has been exacerbated by the introduction of Fizbo - essentially making Tofu the only viable counter to itself. Tofu is giving you the powers of: Mylor, Vera Salacia, Lorna Shine (to 50% of team) as well as 2x Mother Khala for only seven mana. Top this off with the ability to also play both green and white cards and it's simply too versatile.
Nidhoggr cannot compare to Tofu, but neither can any of the other Rebellion summoners. I think if Tofu were to receive a nerf it would benefit Nidhoggr more than the proposed changes. Snare is a natural counter to the many dragon cards that have flying.
I hope this proposal serves as a wake-up call about balance. There will always be meta cards in a card game, but giving Tofu thorns followed by the act of making Fizbo a green card shows, in my opinion, a lack of care when it comes to design.
Do we not see then that Nidhoggr is not the problem.
This proposal should be about how we nerf Tofu. As its just a one spam army card if you have it. That was the real miss of this set ,not Nidhoggr whatever its power level ,its average.
Prove me wrong ,whoever wants.
And even a bigger thing ,it Should be about How do we change who works on cards and how its tested before release.