Hey, I wanted to share what I think are the 3 best cards from Rebellion in each rarity (Common,Rare,Epic,Legendary).
Like any of us, I haven't had too much experience playing with these cards yet, but I'm sure as heck excited to put them on use on the battlefield.
In this post I will look more theoretically at what I would think are the top cards for me.
I play in Gold league, but I will take a look at the following levels for rarities the following rarities:
Commons level 6
Rares level 4
Epics level 3
Legendaries level 2
Because that's what my ultimate goals are for the cards.
Anyways, let's get into the best cards from rebellion.
This list is based on my personal opinion and preference.
This card looks like a fantastic cheap and tanky card I've been wanting for the Water splinter. The Magic reflect and slow are good bonuses to for me.
An awesome tank heal card with Magic attack and Shield, which would allow it to sit in the backline comfortably and mitigate a great deal of Sneak damage.
Ok, to be honest I don't know if this will turn out to be the best of the common summoners, but Life + Water splinter combos are what I'm most looking forwards to :D
Cleanse and Tank heal on a single card ? SOLD, I want it!
Magic and range on a single rare card, with heandwinds also. It looks like something I could fit into my teams :)
Once I get this summoner levelled up, I can't imagine not using it in 90% of my Life splinter games, Speed will always be very good and Heal for any monster I could wish for has so much room for playing around.
Amazing card for Earthquake + Poison rulesets.
Already the Magic + Sneak combo sells the card to me very well, the extras just make it ridicolously good.
I've been lacking Magic dmg on Life splinter, I think this card fixes that problem rather well.
Yeah this is a promo card, but I will count it into the rebellion set.
I think Armored strike is very OP ability overall and this monster just uses it perfectly with shield and true strike attached also.
Super strong Taunt card for when no magic is allowed.
I think this card is the Best of the best cards in the whole Rebellion set, giving 2 of your monsters the Ambush ability is just flat out broken. I really think a nerf is in order for this card to allow for only 1 monster to get the ambush ability not 2.
This was my list of the theoretically best Rebellion cards in my personal opinion. Thank you for reading my post and I hope you have a lot of fun with the new cards.
Let me know what your favorite cards from the Rebellion set are :)
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You don't like the Rare Promo card?
I do, but I just think it's decent until level 7 and only from level 8 (The Max) it becomes really good.
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