The winners will be drawn by a random name Picker
The winners will be drawn by a random name Picker

Congratulations @toheadi you won the last giveaway card. please comment on the last post if you receive your winning card.
Note: You can support me by following me @tub3r02, Vote, and reblog my post. thank you

Become part of this wonderful play-to-earn game and enjoy the awesome gaming along with rewards. use my link below
demented shark, thanks for the giveaway <.<
demented shark is my boy. thanks for the giveaway
Congratulations @badnewsbeards you won your chosen card.
Righteous! Thanks so much!!!
Demented shark please, mi username is @fitz2407 Thanks for helping newbies!
demented shark @loosestgoose
demented shark ^^ @subidu
demented shark @duonglata
demented shark @phivananh
demented shark
pelacor conjurer
chain spinner ^^ @truskawek
demented shark yoooo
Ineed a "Chain Spner" hahaha