Ok So I'm trying to change my strategy a little bit. I do have 8 dec or so left from flipping cards. So I only have about 120 cp owned and don't have any particular deck built. So I went ahead and spent about .7 DEC to rent a color of deck. Yesterday I rented for a day some death splinter cards.
but then the real problem rears its ugly head. even with this rental of basic cards, rshares is the issue. and the DEC reward. Even with the rented deck I would have to win a 100 battles to earn enough to pay for it. And if I rely on daily focus chest well, I still haven't earned one yet because it takes 300 focus points for a single chest and earning 4-11 focus points on battles it's very difficult in bronze.
SO I'm talking about all of this, because it's a barrier to entry for some new players. Trying to rent a single splinter every 24 hours is a hastle. And as an experienced player I have a better idea on cards to rent but a noob may not. Now there's still some tweaks that may help me progress but right now it's very hard. Maybe for a noob that gets free 4k credits after buying a spell book it might be easy but I started my alt noob account a month before the new rewards started. Doing so without any help and without any outside help, it really puts a damper on the spirits. definitely needs some adjustment. Wish me luck on my journey from DUST to DIAMOND!
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In my opinion, being a 100% f2p user requires a certain amount of social interaction either through official discord or telegram channels or through joining a guild. There are guilds made for newer players some guilds that are more for vets might even let you join. Either way, a guild is a great way to meet people that are willing/able to delegate some cards to you for free. The Splinterlands community is full of amazing people however and joining a guild isn't the only way to success... simply ask if anybody can help you out in discord or telegram then sit back, grab a drink and get to know people. Don't feel discouraged if nobody helps out at first, it might just be that they prefer not to delegate cards till they know you better or see that you're active and wanting those wins ;)
renting Neutral cards can be more beneficial to you as they can be used in any battle (this way you aren't paying for cards that you can only use every few battles)