NB v.7

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

With all the excitement of SPS it's hard to believe that something fun is just around the corner.

Would you like to play a game?

Let's see if anyone can figure out what I am looking for.

I need 15 of something. I prefer to have it in the comments below.

Good luck.


Hint #1
I love comments.


Hello my username is @koition

You need 15 player's usernames?

Hi, new player here, my user name is @diogenes13

15 usernames of new players? @winty161

15 untammed packs =D i need =[

go deeper... we all have history. What do I need?

15 summoners XD all my summoners are lvl 1 cant get past gold :(

Sorry... Try again.

The 15 beta legendary?

Thanks for this @unitqm got the boost last time. I'll just attend the livestream 👍

Great to hear!

15 new players, lol, and there seem to be hundreds of late.. though, not sure how many are on PEakd.

Yeah... I'm being really cryptic. Putting out a notification for the type of stuff going on in my livestream will cause a goldrush.

15th amendment? We all need a lot more of that right now!

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

great answer... Sadly not what i'm looking for. Try not to be a lone wolf. 😉

You need 15 players willing to give donations to the next newboost. If it's the same as last time then count me in! I want to help the flood of new players! Lol, @ninjobu


Hmmm, if it's not that then I'd guess that you are looking for 15 players to join a new guild that you are creating in preparation for the brawl updates.

I think you're looking for 15 noobs to push off of the-- err, i mean, to give a bit of a push or a boost at the start of their splinterlife.
Thanks again for the boost last month, it was a great experience. I'm considering being a noob booster this time 😁

15 of a new minimum wage? Gotta be for the people. 🤣

You need 15 players to get a boost?

Yes but what do I need right here. In the comments. Every boost.

A name? Mine is @zcaq

15 Upvotes, Followers, & Comments! :D

15 players

15 rockets to boost players to the moon?

Thanks for the boost btw :)@weakbot here