NewBoost V.6 July 14th

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

What is NewBoost?

Every month the community gets together to give new players a boost. "Boosters" will play for 1 hour and then send their DEC winnings and/other prizes to the @newboost account. Then we have a livestream where we give out the prizes to Noobs. All of the Boosters that give at least 100 DEC get a fancy NFT.

Here is the NFT that is going out this month to our contributors from the last boost.

nft v5.gif

When is NewBoost

We will be boosting on July 13th. Send your donations to @newboost. We've already got over 10,000 DEC and 30+ cards to give out. Then on Wednesday July 14th I'll do a livestream at 10 AM CST. Links will be posted on discord and in this post.

How do you get a Boost?

I've been collecting the names of new players over the past month. Some of these players asked for a boost and then haven't been active in the community. If you were invited to the NewBoost Program please confirm that you want to participate in the givaway tomorrow. We have a few more open spots. Just drop your ingame username in the comments I'll take a look at your game and hiveblog/peakd history and if you look like a good fit for a boost I'll add you to our next boost.

Players getting a Boost

@sanderking77 - sent
@mechpolaris - sent
@kursen - sent
@jesolator - sent
@harayatim - sent
@las3rbone - sent
@cadama - sent
@herbal-thought - sent
@leonardohwang - sent
@peping - sent
@nevashia - sent
@xushee - sent
@nathan09fc - sent
@mojitofc - sent
@ritsnifferdill - sent

Invited but not confirmed


Who's doing the boosting?

Send your donations to @newboost
All of these amazing people have already donated to the cause.

@monstermother | a31r.wam
@unitqm | wfbaw.wam
@giemo | fmjb2.wam
@thegcc | s52qy.wam
@homesteadhacker | ypbr2.wam
@magooz | ogde4.wam
@ninjobu | npyu4.wam
@cajacksparro | 4.fuc.wam
@warrentrx | xciaw.wam
@vettev | l3uqu.wam
@peping | ioxf.wam
@funferall | bsdb2.wam

Who's getting an NFT from the last Boost?

Thank you all for your support. Here is a preview of the NFT that I will be sending out during the livestream. Only 11 of these bad boys were minted.

  1. @unitqm | wfbaw.wam
  2. @dandelionfluff | rueo4.wam
  3. @monstermother | a31r.wam
  4. @toocurious | 3rfaw.wam
  5. @brucolac | ul.ay.wam
  6. @giemo | fmjb2.wam
  7. @draygyn | 4dray.wam
  8. @davemccoy | ujbaw.wam
  9. @warrentrx | xciaw.wam
  10. @xxblackknightxx | c5vdi.wam
  11. @homesteadhacker | ypbr2.wam
  12. @magooz | ogde4.wam
  13. @sgt-dan | asqbi.wam
  14. @funferall | bsdb2.wam
  15. @odin7557 | dzbc4.wam
  16. @thegcc | s52qy.wam

Hello - my WAX ID is ul.ay.wam

Nice! thanks a lot for helping this noob :D

New NewBoost just sent. I'm ogde4.wam btw.

Thanks a lot for the upcoming boost!, my splinterlands ID is sanderking77, hope to be able to return the favor at some point!

I am really excited to get that reward. and also thank you in advance @unitqm for giving us a chance to participate in this months boost.

Looking forward to this,thank you very much! 😊

Hallo my name is @las3rbone
I would be very happy if i could get some help.
what do you need from me?
Just my ingame name?
its Las3rbone
wax wallet is : hrmvc.wam

would be great.
have a nice day all of you

you are in

Thank you very mutch !!!

As always I contributed 10% of my current DEC :)

congrats...hope tp get picked just started last July 1st @cadama

You are in.

thank you so much

I have sent my bit to @newboost

Here's my wax address


Hi, I just bought my spellbook day before yesterday.
Could use some starting cards to increase the league.

IGN: herbal-thought (bought spellbook with this)

You are in.

I created my account in June so I’m not sure if I’m still considered a Noob lol, but I’m always on the lookout for giveaways. Even if I’m not, I got an awesome daily reward the other day of 2K DEC so I definitely want to help someone else out. DEC sent!

@ninjobu | npyu4.wam

Thank you for this opportunity!

Don't know if i'm still considered a new player/noob, but if so i would like to register 😅

Was too late to the party on the last 2 newboosts i think.

what is your ingame username?

@theums same as on here :)

Sent some DEC @unitqm

I'm a new player! Need boost, I'm active in discord 😀 in game name: huey11957

In case you need my WAX address for anything it is:

@sgt-dan | asqbi.wam

This is the first I've heard of this. What exactly constitutes a newb? I wouldn't mind a boost if I still fit being a couple seasons in. In-game name is the same - @half-fast

Not sure what constitutes 'new' or 'noob' - if not both I am definitely one 🤣 - same IGN @oceanbee .

There is also @xacex who is new to the game and could use a boost.

id love to be boosted, I'm fairly new, I'm don't own any big cards, only rentals, hope i qualify! thanks!

Wow! Can I be boosted as well? My name is @grenfunkel, I feel really amazed by the love in this community.

i dont know if im considered new but id like to apply! thanks!


Platypus-Dundee started last month in June. Started my own guild for new players and trying to build a community that will last long in the splinterlands environment. Don't worry about adding me to the boost but i'd like to nominate @teejwinter @rens113 @tyesdaddy @lannistray @randyv1 @justinyourmom @zcaq

These guys in my guild could use an extra hand. Cheers

I am going to give @julia417 a prize.

Ill claim the generous gift.

thank you so mutch!!!!

Did my bit. My wax address is 4.fuc.wam.

Thanks for this by the way. Maybe the main reason I have not received a boost, even my name is on the list, is because I am not present on the livestream. No worries, congratulations to all the winners :) more power to you @unitqm this is a nice program.

You got your boost friend. It just takes me some time to send out all the prizes.

U the best

Hi, a new boost would be very helpful for me.
My ingame name is : pavz
Thanks a lot ! :)

Thank you very very much !!!!

@unitqm who makes the nfts?

Me... And it's not my strong suit.

Hi, I'm new to this game so this boost will help me a lot, my id is @jetmoves, thanks in advance

thank you for the boost