5 Chaos reward cards to watch as the prices continue to fall

in Splinterlands3 years ago


With the prices still falling on chaos reward cards here are my five picks of cards that if they continue to fall in price you should grab copies of and level them up fast

1 - Exploding Rats this card is a great fire card with a low mana cost we are not all luck enough to own a yodin for the blast ability but pair these with a fire elemental on your back line and you have blast hitting twice a round for only 9 mana points

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At time of writing it is currently only $0.30 a card and for only $12 you can gt a level 5 which adds redemption meaning when i dies it doees 1 damage to all the enermy monsters

2 - Naga Assassin A very low mana cost fast card that will pretty much always hit first in battle

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At time of writing it costs $0.49 a card but for $12.25 you can get her to level 4 giving the card the backfire ability meaning if the card is missed by a enermy card it will attack that card and with its 5 speed its going to get missed alot

3 - Lava Launcher this card costs alot of mana but can be used in any postion due to its close range ability pop him in second postion behind you tank and if your tank gets taken out he can jump in a take over

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This card is a bit more expensive at $1.72 but if you have the money a level 4 adds stun to the attack which could make or break a match but it wil set you back $35

4 - Djinn Chwala a High mana but but very strong card with thorns causing 2 damage to the enemy card if its hit with a meele attack and with its high health and shield it will stay alive for a while

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it is another high priced card coming in at $1.80 a copy at present but for $36 a level 4 card adds enrage increasing the melee attack and speed which is already high to start with

5 - Djinn Renova if you have 7 mana spare puting this card in you back line would be a great play not only will you get high magic damage from it but it has strenthen that adds helth to all your monsters at the start of the battle

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At $1.47 a card at time of posting its not cheap but a must have to the life deck and again if you have $29 to spare a level 4 version adds triage healing a backline monster each turn

These 5 cards are still falling in price so you may be able to pick them up cheaper than this in the coming weeks but dont wait to long as they are going to be cards that are sort after once they start running out of print


I've been thinking about making some card purchases and have been doing some of my own research. I hadn't really considered some of the new cards as an option. Your post gave me some additional considerations. Thanks for taking the time to layout the foundation for what could be some really great additions to my deck. Cheers!