So its been 4 weeks one month since i started playing splinterlands. This week with the release of the new chaos reward cards my deck has grown alot some i have brought and some i have won in reward chests i find myself back in bronxe 3 after the season reset and i have gave it a few days for the ranks to settle as its always a harder fight in bronze the first 4 -5 days after the season starts due to silver players being sent back down to bronze. this season im pushing to get to silver 2 maybe even 1 to help with this i find myself renting Yodin again
I managed after a few screen refreshes for only 80 DEC a day so i grabbed him for a week he is not really costing me anyyt=thing as i make 85 DEC a day profit renting some of my own cards out so this covers his cost. Along with my Mylor that i own i have two very good summoners and some good cards in both there splinters so should be able to get out of bronze in a few days..
With the reward cards coming out i have got my hands on a few new cards these where free below from loot chests...
All of which i will be keeping until there true value become apart because at the moment they are selling for sill prices
And due to the silly prices at present i have brought a few other chaos cards these are below
Not going into detail of why i got these ones as wrote a post about it a few days ago if you wanna read that here is the link to it
so here are the currrent stats for my account
$387.23 spent on cards
$397.25 Deck Value (value dropped from last week due to falling card prices)
Rental income 110 DEC
Rental Spending 108 DEC
SPS stalking 150