Hello HODLers and Summoners,
Playing a little bit of Splinterlands, I was suprised to not get any DEC rewards after winning some battles.
So I went to the Discord and found in the announcement section something about not giving rewards to lower tier. So I jumped in to read it and here are some quotes:
Despite the recent changes made to the daily quest rewards in Bronze league, we are still seeing huge numbers of new accounts being made by a small number of people with the intention of farming rewards.
In this case, within the next few days we will be removing DEC rewards from ranked battles for players in Bronze III and Novice league
Splinterlands Updates - October, 2021, this is their last post where you can learn about these updates.
Beware, Novice and Bronze III do not get DEC
The main update for players is that you will NOT get any DEC before battling in Bronze II.
As you can see in the image below. To be Bronze II and start earning DEC while playing your daily battles you need 1K power collection.
This is quite a large number of cards if you just started playing @Splinterlands.
Using my current collection and its market price as a proxy, I calculated that you would need c.$60-70 worth of cards in order to have 1K Power. This is not the end of the world when comparing to other P2E games such as Axie Infinity. So I guess this is a good trade-off.
As I have kept a minimum number of cards on hand and rent most of my collection, I guess I should be careful in case they start upping this minimum to 5k, 10k, etc... Let's see what the November update will bring.
Will it be enough?
Also I will be curious to hear your thoughts on this update aimed at farmers but also hurting emerging countries players. An additional question is how many of the 500k Splinterlands accounts were actually bots used by these f*****g farmers?
Everyday, I play Splinterlands and it reminds me that I missed out so much $$$$ selling most of my collection months to soon... At least now I am HODLing and doing my daily quests.
Another big news this month was the SPS/BNB Cake Farm Boost + New Syrup Pool ! Which is great for liquidity, Splinterlands and DeFi users.
That is all, keep playing and earning these DEC, SPS... :D
Nope. Silver 3 can easily be achieved for bot accounts. The only thing reducing the rewards does is hurt new players. Forcing bots into silver is basically increasing the rewards bots will receive.
They would need to hold quite a lot of Collection Power then and the RoI might not be worth it. As you can get 30-40% APY just by renting cards.
What are your thoughts?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I assume bot account owners will focus its power in less accounts and so the bot dec explloit will benefit in game balance for loyal splinterlands users.
Hmmn, I hope it works to combat bot farmers, but I don’t think small accounts should really have anything to worry about. The important thing for me is that any amount of money invested is able to be gotten back in a matter of months. So why not.
Small accounts that join today have to pay c.$100 to just get daily DEC while battling (c.1DEC per win).
c.$100 = Spellbook + Collection Power needed to go Bronze II
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
from this point of view there is not much investment to gain dec in the game is a fair value compared to other games.
What do we think about them adding a option to verify your account for lower tiers and if accepted they will still receive Dec in Bronze 3?
And maybe write a script which can see if an account is a bot or not and just let it look at active accounts now and then.
It could be an idea but what type of verification? ID? I do not think SPlinterlands wants to deal with ID (and the risk of getting hacked and having a huge leak of private datas).
I believe the script is something they are working on. Otherwise, it would be annoying for players but a capcha before each game on desktop and a phone number for mobile app?
Just my 2 Hives :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ye dno buddy, I just wrote it on my way to work so haven't thought further about it xD
But that could be an idea woth the capcha as a start.
Even though some bots could sovle them xD
Let’s see what is next hehe 😉
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As a newish player, this really decentivizes me to even continue playing. I enjoy the game, but it seems like the only way for me to gain anything or progress in any way, shape or form is to spend money, and not a small sum but a significant amount. I really, really hope they fix this and actually aim to reward the lower/beginning players so that they can grow in the game.
I completely understand as it is the way I feel with still a 1.5k USD collection.
The issue has always been the same. Bots which just farm at lower levels. I do not know how they can manage this while letting lower non-"investor" tiers still get daily DEC.
Capcha before each fight?
Such a simple solution, but could easily be done and would probably solve most of the problems
to be honest farmers will be fine - they will invest in cards, if they decide to retire they will sell these cards.
I find it just annoying - I didnt plan to buy any cards right now and they are forcing me to do it if I want DEC.
and yes, I want DEC. If I would like to play for pleasure of playing, I would play Hearthstone or something
Play Gods Unchained ! Tokens are coming soon and this is a great crypto/blockchain game ! I have invested heavily in cards but there is no need and every weekend you can earn free (usually sold) packs. Only on Desktop at the moment though...
That desktop download worries me a bit. I am gonna create virtual windows for this game :)
But you are NEVER too careful 😉
I have had it for years. This is a real company based in Australia behind this with dozens of employees (ex creative director of Hearthstones created it)
I started playing it and it is FANTASTIC!
Have you bought anything on the market? prices are eth, how are the fees?
or maybe another question: how to set up the wallet to avoid high fees?
Check this out too. I have 3 videos about Gods Unchained tokenomics on my channel.
There is $GODS mining event right now on OKex,
2d 11h left
Hehe 😉! They have their own layer 2 called immutablex which means you can transfer ETH on there for a one time fee and then inside it is FREE if ETH and you can buy the new extension pack from ImmutableX and plenty of OTC cards (while selling yours too).
I bought a lot of packs and I bought some cards I liked too. Check out gudecks (they have mets datas on the best cards, example of decks etc…).
Lol I got two Vinebound Jotuns out of free packs😍
I think I could forge them into meteorite quality and it would be $60+
Well no. At the moment forge is closed that’s why they are highly priced. When it will reopen prices will instantly go down. Sorry to break your dream 😣.
But they will still be worth something 😉
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I should have told you to use my referral to try Gods Unchained: https://godsunchained.com/account/register?referral=ReeluBRiUf . I guess they just added it back (there was none for a while)
too late :)
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Thank you 🙏!
Never played even one Blockchain game): ...professirial person only into mainstrem crypto and at times inching to try out DEFI... but here many already very rich starting early and having acumulated those DEC and staking and stuff... its crazy!!
Well as I shared, I could have been rich (150k+) playing this game with a modest investment (200-400$). But I sold 3-4 months early but still liked the journey hehe :D
I love the apirit!!...we all would have been rich if we would have done many things like being in BTC way earlier...so its ok!!!, the journey is important!!
I don't think it's enough to turn away the bots but now they have to actually invest in some cards. So I think it only reduces the amount of accounts running but there will always be more accounts created depending on how profitable things are.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed this is a short term solution but long term there needs to be a fix as I had read somewhere that 70% + of games are done with bots…
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not surprised but those bots can be quite tough sometimes as opponents. It just shows how profitable it is for the the bot owners but I think we might see less cards being dumped for sale on the market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't know how to learn this news ... I wouldn't want young users to walk away from Splinterlands, I don't see this move as an incentive for new users. But I could not fully understand this change
Yup, I think it will kill the motivation of lower tiers as there are literally no rewards for them except a daily chest which is mostly potions or low amount of credits
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
it will be tough to clean Splinterlands of all the bots that are there now
bots can be solved by applying a captcha before each game, new players must invest more money to move up the league.

I would think so but there probably is a reason why they did not implement this yet
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice analysis, BUT nothing is gonna stop me and my bot army from flooding the battlefields!! 1K or 5K, even 15K worth of CP, here i come!!
Haha 😂 ! Is it profitable at least ?
definitely profitable!! :) and lots of fun too!!
I am a new Splinterlands player, and I noticed the big drop off in rewards for ranked matches too. The Daily Chests are as exciting with no cards, no dec and mostly a few credits. But I tryst that the devs for Splinterlands know what their doing.Hi @vlemon
I have a question thought. You said:
Another big news this month was the SPS/BNB Cake Farm Boost + New Syrup Pool !
Wow! Do you invest in this pool?
Where is it?
What’s the APR?
My error
Hi @acesontop @shortsegments
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I haven't said that. I don't play Splinterlands either.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Okay, I corrected my reply, it was for vlemon.