Hi, everyone. Welcome to my post. In the Social Media Challenge, I will discuss anything about SPLINTERLANDS, it can be about cards, abilities, rulesets, battle reviews, End of Season results, or my playing experience.
Risqruel Drath
Risqruel Drath is one of the Legendary Summoners from the REBELLION edition. Most Legendary Summoners are dual-element summoners with abilities like Tactical Summoners.
For Risqruel Drath, it can be used by Fire and Earth Element. It also has abilities that can be given to all units, namely the addition of 1 Range Attack power and the granting of the FLYING ability. The FLYING ability allows the owner to dodge the Melee and Range attacks of opposing units that do not have the same ability. FLYING ability is also suitable for use during the EARTHQUAKE ruleset so that they can avoid the damage caused by the effects of the EARTHQUAKE ruleset.
While the Tactical abilities owned by Risqruel Drath include IMPEDE and TRUE STRIKE abilities that can be given to 2 units or TAUNT and REDEMPTION abilities that can be given to 1 unit. IMPEDE will grant a 1 SPEED reduction when hitting the target plus the TRUE STRIKE ability makes the attack and 1 SPEED reduction on the target 100% successful. While TAUNT will make most of the opponent's attacks lead to the owner of this ability, coupled with the REDEMPTION ability that deals 1 point of damage if he is defeated.
IMPEDE and TRUE STRIKE will be perfect when facing formations that also have FLYING units or that focus on speed. Meanwhile, TAUNT and REDEMPTION are suitable when you want to divert the attention of your opponent's units so that their attacks are not focused on 1 point or when in the FOG OF WAR ruleset.
The ruleset for this battle is EARTHQUAKE (Non-FLYING units take 2 points of damage each round), ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? (Allows players to use 1 Gladius unit), and CLOSE RANGE (All Range units can attack in the first position).
The opponent uses Conqueror JacekRisqruel DrathRisqruel Drath to grant additional abilities to 2 units, namely, Countess Sinash and Rush Townsend which grants an additional SCATTERSHOT ability to all opponent units. Meanwhile, I chose to use because it conforms to the EARTHQUAKE ruleset, which grants FLYING ability to all my units so that they don't take damage from the EARTHQUAKE ruleset. I also used *. The abilities they get are TRUE STRIKE you and IMPEDE abilities.
Both teams had Rush Townsend so they attacked their respective targets during the bonus round. The opponent's Rush Townsend attacked first because it had the SPEED advantage thanks to the buffs from Conqueror Jacek and Countess Sinash. It targeted Mycelic Slipspawn this time. Unfortunately, its great attack power only deals 1 point of damage because Mycelic Slipspawn has the FORCEFIELD ability.
Meanwhile, my Rush Townsend attacked Gargoya Lion who filled the first position. He damaged all of Gargoya Lion's ARMOR and reduced his HP then reduced his SPEED as well by relying on his IMPEDE ability.
In the first round, the opponent's Rush Townsend aimed his attack at my Countess Sinash and instantly defeated her. Meanwhile, the opponent's Countess Sinash failed to land her attack on my Rush Townsend. The same thing happened to Fina Voxom who failed to land her attack on Mycelic Slipspawn.
The Gargoya Devil managed to hurt my Mycelic Slipspawn and the Molten Ash Golem's attack also hit my Rush Townsend. My Rush Townsend defeated my Gargoya Lion. But Pelacor Mercenary failed to land his attack on my opponent's Rush Townsend who was now in first place. That was immediately remedied by Mycelic Slipspawn and Goblin Psychic whose attacks hit the opponent's Rush Townsend.
Rush Townsend, Molten Ash Golem, Fina Voxom, and Countess Sinash).In the second round, the effect of the EARTHQUAKE Ruleset hits the opponent's units that do not have the FLYING ability (
Before being defeated by my Rush Townsend, the opponent's Rush Townsend attacked Pelacor Mercenary and gave him an AFFLICTION effect that made him unhealable. Meanwhile, Countess Sinash again failed to land her attack which was now directed at Pelacor Mercenary. Gargoya Devil attacked my Rush Townsend, Fina Voxom managed to injure Mycelic Slipspawn, while Molten Ash Golem attacked Pelacor Mercenary.
The Mycelic Slipspawn, Pelacor Mercenary, and Goblin Psychic almost defeated the Molten Ash Golem with their attacks.
In the last round, the effect of the EARTHQUAKE ruleset now eliminated Molten Ash Golem and Countess Sinash. Rush Townsend instantly defeated Fina Voxom. Gargoya Devil defeated Pelacor Mercenary before he was finally defeated by Mycelic Slipspawn and Goblin Psychic.
Battle Review
To be honest, my formation for this battle was incomplete (1 unit less). However, since the time to choose the units to use had run out (due to taking too long to make decisions), I finally resigned myself to the existing formation. I also pressed the "SKIP BATTLE" button because I thought I would lose with this incomplete formation. However, the results showed that I was the one who won the battle this time.
The cause of victory in this battle was thanks to the FLYING ability possessed by all my units. Despite losing SPEED and losing 1 of my units in the first round, several attacks from the opposing units failed to hit my units. Random attacks due to the SCATTERSHOT ability also caused some of their attacks to fail. And even though they attacked the same target, I was helped by the EARTHQUAKE ruleset that dealt 2 points of damage each round, so that it could reduce the opponent's HP little by little.
Those are the kinds of things I discussed in this Social Media Challenge. Thank you for reading to the end and see you in other discussions in next week's Social Media Challenge.
For those of you who are curious and want to experience how fierce the battles are in the Modern League but haven't joined Splinterlands yet, you can use THIS LINK.
Link to this week's Social media Challenge (Here)
translated using Deepl + Grammarly (All of them are Free versions)
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar