Hi, everyone. Welcome to my post. In the Social Media Challenge, I will discuss anything related to SPLINTERLANDS. This can include cards, abilities, rulesets, battle reviews, end-of-season results, or my playing experience.
In this post, I will share my battle against Corsair Bosun who has high stats due to the addition of the MARTYR ability.
The ruleset for this battle is BORN AGAIN (all monsters in the arena receive an additional REBIRTH
ability), BRIAR PATCH
(all monsters in the arena receive an additional THORNS
(Summoners cannot use the abilities they have)
In the first round, Naga Assassin and Supply Runner defeated Venari MarksratVoid Dragon defeated it for the second time (this time revived by Adelade Brightwing). And for the third time, Venari Marksrat was defeated again this time by my Adelade Brightwing (and revived again by Oshuur Constantia). for the first time (revived thanks to the REBIRTH ability). Then
With Venari Marksrat defeated 3 times this round, Corsair Bosun received an additional 3 points in all his stats. Because of this, he can successfully deal massive damage to Void DragonVruz targeted War Pegasus who already has very high SPEED (thanks to the additional 3 SPEED from SWIFTNESS ability). but he also took damage from the THORNS
Venari Crystalsmith healed Venari Marksrat. But she and Adelade Brightwing, Oshuur Constantia, and War Pegasus failed to land their attacks on Void Dragon. Meanwhile, Chaos Dragon aimed its attack at Adelade BrightwingVenari Crystalsmith and Oshuur Constantia. and dealt additional damage through its BLAST ability to
In the second round, Vruz attacked War Pegasus but lost to damage from THORNS. VruzVoid Dragon and Chaos DragonVruz lost. Naga Assassin and Void Dragon defeated Venari Marksrat for the last time and made Corsair Bosun fill the first position. revived using the REBIRTH ability, then received additional points from the MARTYR
ability when
Supply Runner and Chaos Dragon attack Corsair BosunVenari Crystalsmith. Venari Crystalsmith and Adelade Brightwing healed and repaired Corsair Bosun's ARMOR. But the three of them along with Oshuur Constantia and War Pegasus failed to land an attack on Void Dragon.. BLAST effect from the attack hits
In the third round, Vruz failed to land his attack on War Pegasus. Void Dragon and Adelade Brightwing managed to reduce the HP of Corsair Bosun. Meanwhile, Naga Assassin and Supply Runner damaged his ARMOR. This time, Chaos Dragon aimed its attack at the Venari Crystalsmith and defeated it. Adelade BrightwingCorsair Bosun who was hit by the effects of BLAST also lost although they both came back to life thanks to the REBIRTH ability. Meanwhile, is protected from the effects of BLAST because he has the REFLECTION SHIELD
Due to being defeated, Venari Crystalsmith and Adelade Brightwing could not do anything this round. Corsair Bosun and Oshuur Constantia failed to deal damage to Void Dragon. Meanwhile, War Pegasus can land its attacks on Void Dragon.
In the fourth round, Void Dragon defeated Corsair BosunCorsair Bosun was defeated by my Adelade Brightwing (Previously Corsair Bosun received damage to his ARMOR due to attacks from Naga Assassin and Supply Runner). The Venari Crystalsmith for the first time (revived thanks to REBIRTH ability). And the second time who is in first place can only heal himself using the TANK HEAL
Vruz again failed to land his attack on War Pegasus. However, War Pegasus defeated Void DragonChaos Dragon directed its attack at Oshuur Constantia so that it lost for the first time (revived using REBIRTH). War Pegasus took additional damage due to the effects of BLAST. Meanwhile, Adelade Brightwing lost for the last time (also due to damage from BLAST). Oshuur Constantia failed to land its attack on Void Dragon. for the first time (even though he came back to life by using the REBIRTH ability).
In the last round, Venari Crystalsmith was defeated again by Void Dragon. Oshuur Constantia was also defeated again by Naga Assassin. Vruz attacked War PegasusAdelade Brightwing, then Void Dragon and Chaos Dragon received an additional 1 point in all their stats. who was now in first place but was himself defeated by THORNS ability. He was revived by
War Pegasus was defeated twice in a row. Respectively by Chaos Dragon and Supply Runner.
Battle Review
Putting Venari Marksrat in the first position and Corsair Bosun behind it is a good idea. Corsair BosunVenari MarksratCorsair Bosun can still attack behind him. Also, Corsair Bosun can still attack even in the second position because he has the REACH ability. So while is defeated and revived by REBIRTH
abilities, has the REFLECTION SHIELD
ability to negate the effect of THORNS
from the BRIAR PATCH ruleset.
Unfortunately, their opponent this time was Void Dragon who had received an additional 3 SPEED and added to the addition he received from VruzCorsair Bosun could only hurt Void Dragon once. In contrast to War Pegasus who initially failed to land an attack on Void Dragon, but he could deal 2 damage to Void Dragon.'s MARTYR ability. Despite having almost the same SPEED,
War Pegasus and Void Dragon have it, while Corsair BosunThe reason is of course because of the FLYING ability. does not. The FLYING
ability will indeed give an advantage to the owner because, with this ability, the owner has the opportunity to avoid attacks from units that do not have the FLYING
I was worried when Void Dragon took a lot of damage and didn't bring a unit with TANK HEAL ability to heal it. But luck was still on my side.
Those are the kinds of things I discussed in this Social Media Challenge. Thank you for reading to the end and see you in other discussions in next week's Social Media Challenge.
For those of you who are curious and want to experience how fierce the battles are in the Modern League but haven't joined Splinterlands yet, you can use THIS LINK.
Link to this week's Social media Challenge (Here)
translated using Deepl + Grammarly (All of them are Free versions)
Thanks for sharing! - @underlock