The end of this recent season marked my 2nd as a Splinterlands player - which means I have been playing for almost a month now! In that time, Chaos Legion has been released, the starter decks have changed, and I have found myself accidentally joining at what feels like the perfect time - old players and new both had to adjust to the new meta!
As a long term physical card game player I love these sort of meta shifts when new cards are released and so decided to really push for these 2 seasons and see how far I could go with just a $100 investment to start. Here’s how it went:
Season 1
At the start of my first season I had only been playing Splinterlands a few days beforehand, and on the first day of this season I put $30 worth of DEC into my account. With this, I intended to rent to Silver 3 - where I would see much better DEC earnings per game - and a 2nd reward chest for my daily quest.
I came across a big help to my efforts on the day of the CL launch though - the bots weren’t updated! I quickly raised through the ranks into Silver 3 - and my rating even went up to the Silver 1 level briefly!
Here's what my earnings look like after I started keeping track for my first season:
In just over half a season I had received over 1100 DEC worth of rewards (at prices when I received them for cards), and over 400 Collection Power that I would no longer need to rent! This was a great help to my goal of getting 15k power to not have to rent at all to Silver 3.
Season 2
In my second season I decided to see just how far I could push and still have it be profitable. I rented all the way up to Gold 3 this time, which got far more expensive as the season went on. I was making a loss most days on renting and rewards, until the end of the season:
(The legendary for any asking was Djinn Biljka!)
You can see in this season I struggled to get out of bronze to begin with, even when renting a lot of cards! This led to big initial losses. Also end of season rent increase was a lot higher than I thought - paying 400 DEC to end in Gold ended up paying off from some nice chest rewards - but it could easily not have!
Despite these mistakes, I still ended up the season with 1400 DEC worth of rewards, including 830 power worth of cards.
So having bought 5000 power for myself to begin - I am now at over 6000 after only a month! I’m setting myself a goal of gaining 500 power a season from chests or DEC rewards I convert into cards so that I can eventually have a silver 3 deck fully owned. I also want to slowly upgrade my summoners to level 2 and 3 to make use of some higher level cards! Some of my owned cards are already level 2 epics/level 4 rares so when I am renting summoners I can climb easier - but I would much prefer to not have to!
Thank you all for reading this long - let me know if you have any tips for how I can better optimise my earnings and account growth. For now I’m going to be renting 10k power and staying in S3, and so far this season I am seeing consistently profitable days of around 100 DEC - mostly from DEC from wins so much less of a gamble on the chests like when I climbed to Gold!
I plan on releasing one of these blog posts every season from now on to track of earnings are going up or down - and to record my journey, so I’ll see you all at the end of the season!
Love the fact that simple 30$ can skyrocket your game.
I started in the middle of december and got stuck at Bronze II because of 1000 Power needed to rank up. I tried to put 20€ on the account but hit every wall there was.
I put my money on Bitterx, bought Hive and only then found out thet there main Hive wallet is offline and inactive. Went on Kriptomat, same plan same amount and the same exact problem.
For me its ether waiting for them to fix their problem or to go with Binance. For which I have to gather some paperwork that currently isn't practical for me.
Hope to get back to this amazing game soon.
This post makes it something worth pursing.
Thanks for your input, without it I would definitely leave game.
You were very lucky with the Season End pulls, but nice to see you enjoy the game. Congrats!
Definitely very lucky! Saved my season when I was definitely over-renting. Gonna sit in S3 for the time being and not spend so much!