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RE: Hi guys! What are your strategy since Dec rewards is low. Can you share.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Yes! Coz if you factor in time. You play like 2-3 hours tops let's say you play Gold and you Break even or gain a little bit dec. I mean a little coz the Reward pool is low. But if you rent your cards for me. I gain 30 dec for day. multiply it let's say 9 day coz I cancelled out my card that rented before 3 dasy of EOS for courtesy reason for renters. 30 dec X 9 days is = 270 dec. the downside is the daily quest maybe you get luck but 80% right your not. The only thing I see you can profit while renting is entering tournament. But if you want to play the game for fun then go for coz even you spend a little money then go for it.

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