I'm a 4 to 5 months old player and I did ask myself these questions a lot of times. I ended up with a mixed strategy, before the CL launch I locked the vast majority of my assets into staked SPS and continued this way all along till now.
I also managed to get my hands on a total of 50 packs aiming to get at least one airdrop (got lucky with 3 of them till now :D ), I won't open more than 10, the rest is there for the future appreciation.
But now, with those prices, I'm totally focused on spending my DEC bag on bargains, mostly cheap reward cards, and few, very few, Beta nice and cheap cards with peculiar use cases. I had to choose if to get Summoners or cheap CP, I went for the second because with less than 45 DEC/day I can afford to play constantly in silver II with gold rank, and with a bit of luck, I'll get a legendary summoner airdrop sooner or later.
Thus, I delayed dreams of glory for the next bull run, building deck deepness instead of summoners and accumulating assets to be converted with something else later on.
Lands are too expensive right now, I'll maybe manage to get a common plot after the official launch and consequent rearrangement of prices.
What do you think? Too prudent? Too Bullish? Or it would have been better going all-in on a single strategy? !LUV
(1/1) gave you LUV.
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