Best Fire Deck For Beginners Everything Explained (Guide)

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Hello everybody since this is my first blog post i would like to apologise in advance for lack of my english vocabulary and grammar, hopefully you will understand me. I will try my best to be grammatically correct.

Best Cards And Why

  1. Malric Inferno - we will start with summoner in my opinion he is just more overpowered than other starter summoner and has more usefulness in bronze
  2. Living Lava - he should start 99% of your fire matches, he is just overpowered in bronze
  3. Serpentine Spy - him + Kobold Miner is must have trio with Lava if you have mana that is the combo
  4. Kobold Miner - as stated above must have in team
  5. Cerberus - he is perfect for low mana matches with Kobold Miner + Serpentine Spy

Monster Placement

Position 1 - Living Lava / Cerebrus
Position 2 - Giant Roc
Position 3 - Serpetine Spy / Serpetine Spy
Position 4 - Kobold Miner / Kobold Miner
Position 5 - Elven Cutthroat (neutral card)
Position 6 - Goblin Shaman

I hope you will get out of bronze easily with this combo since it is the best fire tactic for using only free cards stay safe everyone and keep grinding!
