Welcome back for another Share Your Battle Challenge.
I'm excited to see Dark Ha'on featured as this weeks card to use. I was lucky enough to open one in an Untamed pack and use it all the time. I felt very confident I could get a win with it this week. I will explain more about the card down below when I introduce my team but my game plan is to use Dark Ha'ons Taunt ability to re-direct damage from the monster I put in the first position. The monster I chose to use for the first position is Goblin Mech. Read more if you want to find out how this battle went down, and how you can use this card to your benefit to win some extra $$.
- Standard
- 29 Mana
- All Splinters
My plan here is to use Goblin Mech as my first line damage dealer. With Dark Ha'ons Taunt ability, Goblin Mech should survive for a really long time. That will give him time to do serious damage to the front line while I pick off the opponents back line with cards that have the Sneak and Snipe abilities. I have a lot of room to work with given 29 Mana so the high Mana cost of these creatures wont be a problem. This is your typical battle with all Splinters being available and having the "Standard" ruleset. Let me break my team down further for you below.
Goblin Mech
I chose Goblin Mech for his his 4 damage but his Pierce ability is also handy.
Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health.
Since Dark Ha'on wont be taking all of the damage, Goblin Mechs 5 Shield and 6 Health will really help him survive the front line. Even his 3 speed is a nice addition. I think he packs a lot of punch for 10 Mana and is worth every .... drop?
Furious Chicken
I always include Furious Chicken.
It's a chicken and it's furious.
Skeleton Assassin
Skeleton Assasssin is a staple in Death teams at lower levels. When you have low mana requirments, this card really shines. Since most of my Mana in this deck went towards Dark Ha'on and Goblin Mech, I had to find some cheap utility and that's what this guy provides. He has the Sneak Ability.
Sneak: Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster
I'm hoping to take out some back line units with him. He shouldn't be taking any damage with Dark Ha'on taunting the Enemy Monsters.
Dark Ha'on
This card is a beast. It's a Legendary Death Monster that costs 10 Mana. For 10 Mana you get 13 HP and 1 Shield. That is INSANE to me. He only gets better and better as you level him up but for now I am only playing with a level 1 Dark Ha'on. At level one he comes with TWO abilities. The first is the Taunt ability.
Taunt: All Enemy Monsters target this Monster. (If they are able to).
His second ability is
Flying: Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters that do not have the Flying Ability
So put that together and you get a 13 Health, 1 Shield Monster that must always be attacked if able AND has an increased chance of evading attacks. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite tanks in the game and my favorite tank for sure in Death. I'm usually a fan of healing abilities to give tanks more sustainability but with 13 Health and 1 Shield you really don't need it to survive. He has a nice speed of 3 and attack of 2 to go along with it, so he does deal damage as well. I don't plan on him attacking though. I am going to put him behind my first line attacker.
Dwarven Wizard
This was another way I could cheaply attack the opponents back line and let Goblin Mech do his thing in the frontline. Dwarven Wizard has 3 Health and 1 attack for 3 Mana. That's pretty average but I really like his Snipe ability.
Snipe: Targets enemy Monsters with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that are not in the first position.
I think that's the reason he gets the most use. Snipe is a powerful ability because people like to hide cheap support units in the back row thinking they wont get hurt. The ability to take out targets earlier can really change a match instead of being stuck on a healing tank slowely trying to trickle his Health down. I really like this card and appreciate it being let to me by my guild leader.
- Undead rex
- Haunted spirit
- Twisted jester
- Skeleton assassin
- Parasitic growth
Round 1:
- My summoner gives the Enemy monsters -1 Melee.
- Enemy Summoner gives his monsters +1 shield.
- Enemy Skeleton Assassin attacks Dark Ha'on for 1
- My Skeleton Assassin attacks Parasitic Growth for 1
- Enemy Twisted Jester attacks Dark Ha'on and misses!
- Goblin Mech attacks Undead Rex for 4
- Dwarven Wizard attacks Twisted Jester for 1
- Undead Rex attacks Goblin Mech for 4
- Parasitic Growth attacks but misses Dark Ha'on!
Round 2:
- My Skeleton Assassin attacks Parasitic Growth for 1
- Enemy Skeleton Assassin attacks Dark Ha'on for 1
- Twister Jester attacks Dark Ha'on for 2
- Goblin Mech attacks Undead Rex for 4
- Dwarven Wizard Snipes Twisted Jester for 1 directly
- Undead Rex attacks Goblin Mech for 4 and is absorbed by his shield, leaving him with 6 HP remaining
- Parasitic Growth attacks Dark Ha'on for 1
Round 3:
- Enemy Skeleton Assassin attacks Dark Ha'on for 1.
- My Skeleton Assassin attacks Parasitic Growth for 1 and kills him.
- Twisted Jester attacks Dark Ha'on for 2 leaving him with 6 HP remaining.
- Goblin Mech attacks Undead Rex for 4 and kills him.
- Haunted Spirit moves into the first position.
- Dwarven Wizard attacks Twisted Jester for another 1 directly to his health.
- Haunted Spirit attacks Goblin Mech for 1.
Round 4:
- Enemy Skeleton Assassin attacks Dark Ha'on for 1.
- My Skeleton Asssassin attacks the Enemy Skeleton Assassin for 1.
- Twisted Jester attacks and misses Dark Ha'on.
- Goblin Mech attacks Haunted Spirit for 4.
- Dwarven Wizard bypasses Twisted Jesters shield and kills him.
- Haunted Spirit heals from 4 HP to 6 HP and attacks Goblin Mech for 1.
Round 5:
- My Skeleton Assassin attacks the Enemy Skeleton Assassin for 1
- The Enemy Skeleton Assassin attacks Dark Ha'on for 1.
- Goblin Mech attacks Haunted Spirit for 4.
- Dwarven Wizard attacks Haunted Spirit for 1.
- Haunted Spirit heals back up to 3 HP and attacks Goblin Mech for 1.
Round 6:
- Enemy Skeleton Assassin attacks Dark Ha'on for 1.
- My Skeleton Asssassin attacks the Enemys Skeleton Assassin and kills him. Only Haunted Spirit remains.
- Goblin Mech attacks Haunted Spirit for 4 and wins the match.
That match worked well in my favor but it's not the only match I played with that outcome. I played the same type of line up a couple of times with the same results. It's very powerful to have a unit absorbing all the damage while everyone else just focuses on outputting damage. I love this card and again, I am so happy I opened one. They, like all other Legendarys on this game, are going for a ridiculous amount right now so I would not have been able to get my hands on it otherwise. If you want to check it out, it's going for about 20+ DEC on the rental market. That's not a bad price for how much DEC this card can win you. You will make it back in a couple of matches and have a lot of power to push into the next league. THIS CARD IS AMAZING. It could be the fact that is Legendary so its a little OP but I have nothing bad to say about it. All of its stats make complete sense. I still continue to use it in death matches that have 25+ Mana requirements. I don't think the card is winning matches on his own so I wouldn't put him in a match solo and use all your mana. He needs the support to deal out the damage while he takes it all in for the team. A true team player lol
Well that's it for this weeks battle. I was a little late so expect another post in a day or two when the new challenge gets posted! If you don't have an account, my referral is at the top. Sign up and join the summoners spellbook and join the #playtoearn movement.
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Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Well done with the lineup strategy.
Good strategies here. I love taunt! It’s a great ability. I wonder if with the new cards coming out there will be a card that fights through taunt or somehow ignores it. That will be kind of interesting!