SPLINTERTALK is official and social platform where you can earn tokens by posting or creating a blog directly to Splinterlands. From the word itself, you can literally write something about your daily battles, your daily quest, your experiences in tournaments or even your techniques that can also help players to succeed and choose a correct cards according to the given mana.
You can earn Splintertalk (SPT) and it is a separate token from Dark Energy Crystlas (DEC).
You can still use HIVE.BLOG by using the tag #SPT or #Splintertalk and it will directly post in Splintertalk website. Everytime you post and someone upvote your content it will be given a reward/s where you can get in a given time.
HIVE BUZZ supports this platform which allows you to collect badges if you participated or write a content in hive.blog.
So continue to spread and share experiences and knowledge by creating a blog and let us enjoy it!
See you in my next blog!
Big thanks for those who reblog or upvote my post.
Much appreciated! Love Love!