Beginner's Tourney # 5 Finished - Results - Raffle - Next Tourney - Loyalty System Revealed!

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hey Guys!

Beginner's Tourney # 5 has concluded! Thank you everyone for participating. Here are the results.

Top "4"

top 4.png

Again a funny top players situation. This time we have 5 players with the same win ratio, basically splitting the first place. Decision ultimately falls on Tiebraker points and the leaderboard looks like this.

1st. place: @vyse

2nd. place: @shampooboy

3rd. place: @libertyguy

4th. place: @donma

5th. place: @mrskjp

Congratulations to all winners!

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Bonus Prize Winners

These 3 Random participants got Level 1 Forgotten One (EPIC)
@shampooboy, @damienwolf, and @tengolotodo

Forgotten One.png

and these 10 Random participants got Level 2 Life Sapper (RARE)
@blurrz, @avidez, @xxxdoodzxxx, @m1rl3n, @incinerator, @therealmrunicorn, @re-public, @sckrpnch, @samji, and @ghostlybg

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Congratulation to the lucky bonus prize winners!

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Beginner's Tourney # 6 Announcement

The next tourney is already available for sign-ups, so let's take a quick overview.

Tournament Rules:

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1st Place: 300 DEC
2nd Place: 200 DEC
3rd-4th Place: 100 DEC
5-64 Place: 50 DEC
65-100 Place 25 DEC

To JOIN the tournament CLICK here!

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Bonus Prizes

Every participant that enters this tournament has an equal chance to win one bonus prize. It doesn't matter how well you perform in the event, you win the whole tournament or place last there is always an equal chance to get the bonus reward.

This time we have level 1 EPICs and level 2 RAREs!

3 Random participants will get: Level 1 Prismologist (EPIC)


and 10 Random participants will get: Level 2 Mycelic Infantry (RARE)

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Loyalty System Introduction

Today, I'm gonna layout some details about this system I want to develop to further reward players coming back to these tournament and participating in these posts.

Rules are going to be very simple. For every tournament participation you will get 1 LP (loyalty point), If you finish in the top 10 you get 1 extra LP.

You can also earn an extra LP by reposting tournament related posts to help me spread the word about these tourneys. There might be some additional posts/events where I will be giving out more LPs.

One important thing to do before you are eligible to participate in the Loyalty System. Just leave a comment under the latest tournament post (this post at the moment). You need to do this only ONCE. I want to rule out some of those bots that only auto-pilot through tournaments and reward actuall players.

Like I said, the first time I teased this system, all prior tournament participations will be accounted for and you will get LPs from that. Next post I'll make a table of participants and their respective LPs. Everyone that already has some points accumulated but isn't still registered for the Loyalty System will have their LPs removed if they don't register before Begginner's tourney #10 finishes. That's around 5 weeks to register.

Loyalty Reward Structure

Keep in mind that this is something I'll experiment over time and things will change, I'll be adding and removing available rewards but I'll try to stick with the structure as long as it makes sense to me and I can afford it. So the structure currently looks like this:

#RewardLoyalty Point Cost
1.Chaos Legion Pack100 LP
2.Random CL Summoner card (excluding legendaries)90 LP
3.Random CL Epic card50 LP
4.Random CL rare card (excluding summoners)10 LP
5.Random CL common card5 LP

To redeem rewards you need to comment on the most recent tournament post with "I want to redeem reward # X times." for example "I want to redeem reward 4. 5 times (essentially redeeming 5 random rares)

SO, what do you guys think about this reward system? Please leave some feedback and ideas in the comments below. I'm gonna need to trimm some DEC rewards from the tournament to keep this running for a while. If it gets enough support I'll be able to return to the original DEC rewards. We'll see.

It turns out, there's not much of an interest in silver league tournament so I'm gonna postpone that idea. Also I'm gonna lower a bit an entry fee for Gold+ participants to 75 DEC.

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GIF by @splinterlands

To enhance your Splinterlands gameplay and win rate, try out this tool called Splintertool
To find out more about this look at my previous post about this tool.
Beware, the tool will get affected by recent changes in Splinterlands but most of the features will work fine, also more features are coming. Still, really useful tool to have at your disposal.

If you don't want to miss these tournaments, join our guild discord, under section ZELLS CORNER AND TOURNEYS, you can follow a channel where I announce all my tourneys. See ya there!

Thank you for reading!

Good Luck and Have Fun!



Great tournaments, can't compete for the top rankings yet but the chance for the card and that loyalty system makes joining worthwhile anyway :)
Keep it up

You'll get there man! Thanks for participating.

You're giving me a run for my money. Keep at it.

Your Loyalty reward system sound like a great Idea. It is early days for me . Less than 2 months , but look forward to participating and paying it forward . when I start to build up the war chest .

Keep up the great work

Baby steps, you'll get there. :D

Hi, I think your reward system is a great idea and I really appreciate the offer. So I want to redeem reward 4. every time as soon as I have reached the required amount of LP poins. Thank you.

Wow what a great Idea!Really looking forward to the tourney :D
And bw. very interesting loyalty program :D

Great ideas! Thanks again for hosting these beginner tournaments. I was again beat up pretty good, but I'm learning and having fun.

Thanks! Well, getting beaten up is a part of the learning process haha. Keep it up man, thanks for playing.

love this idea seems fair. Thanks for hosting tournaments and giveaways. This is why Splinterlands is such a great game. The community is awesome.

What a great idea and thanks for hosting this. I got hammered but was a lucky winner so all good😁

hahaha Congrat on the lucky pull man!

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment !STOP below

Hey @z3ll, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

hehe I appreciate the lucky pull, thanks again😁

Thank you for having the tournaments. I'm very new to Splinterlands and appreciate the opportunity to play without having to sink everything I have accrued so far into an entry fee.

Cool! That's the point, I'm trying to make this as sustainable as possible, so that new players can experience tournaments as much as possible without too much "risk", wasting the entry fees.

I love these tourneys! Sign me up for being loyal (since I found them :) )

It's nice to hear that, and of course, welcome! :D

Yay! Good news! Count me! I want to be part of the loyalty programme and participate in all tournaments.

Count me for loyalty system :) Sounds great!

Thanks for hosting these tourneys and for the Life Sapper, dude! 😃

I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Congrats on the lucky pull man! :D

sign me up for the LP!

I would love to get into the loyalty program @uglykillerpigz I cant believe I never noticed this before. This is my 3rd (I think) time competing in it. Innever get close to top 10 though lol.

Sure thing! Yeah, getting top 10 requires around 70-80% win rate, not that easy to pull off.

Thanks for the great tournaments!
I am interesting loyalty program :)

Sure, just please comment on the latest post, helps me keep track. :D

Sounds good. I will try it at first time. Good Luck to all.

I'm getting this for your discord link

Thanks for the support!
Look at my most recent post, I make links that work for 7 days only.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Haven't played in a tournament like this before but interesting system.. hopefully I have enough liquid sps to enter but I'll be on the lookout for them! Thank you for putting them on with great prices 😀😀👾👾

The entry fee is 50 DEC no need for SPS. Hope I see you in the next tourney. :)

Sign me up for LP please

Please leave a comment on my latest post, help me keep track of signups. Thanks!

Just a beginning of my LP travel

Please leave a comment on my latest post, it will help me keep track of things.