Level Up Gameplay: New Rebellion Cards Modern League Format

in Splinterlandslast month

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Good day, Splinterlands community! In today's blog, I’ll be sharing a battle experience featuring the new Rebellion cards in the Modern League. We'll be focusing on two key cards in my water element lineup: Commander Slade and Giant Alpine Skink. These cards excel in certain rule sets, and I'll explore strategies for using them effectively.

Commander Slade

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Commander Slade is a rare water element card from the Rebellion set. I currently have it at level 1, but even at this level, it brings valuable abilities like Enfeeble, which reduces the melee damage of the target by 1 after a successful attack, and Dodge, increasing its chances of evading melee and ranged attacks by 25%. At max level, Commander Slade gains even more power with abilities like Reflection Shield and Backfire, alongside impressive stats: 5 melee damage, 6 speed, 7 armor, and 10 health. This card offers versatile advantages for players who can tap into its full potential in strategic battles.

Giant Alpine Skink


The Giant Alpine Skink is a common melee unit from the Rebellion set. I currently have it at level 2, and its Shield ability, which reduces both melee and ranged damage by 50%, makes it a great pick for melee-only battles or sneaky rule sets. At max level, it unlocks Phase and Stun abilities, along with improved stats: 4 melee damage, 5 speed, 3 armor, and 9 health.

Both of these cards can be game-changers when used strategically. Whether you're an experienced player or just getting started, these tips might help you get the most out of them in your water element battles!


Rule Set


Super Sneak

  • All units will have an ability of Sneak ability.

Close Range

  • All ranges can attack even if they are in the first position.

Rise of the Commons

  • Only Rare and Common are usable in this battle except Summoners.


Kelya Frendul

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It gives an additional 2-speed stats with Piercing and Scattershot abilities.

I assume that the opponent will use the Sneak attack strategy, where the opponent uses mainly melee damage units because of the rule set given Super Sneak, Close Range, and Rise of the Commons making it a best choice combo strategy or either Range damage strat though mostly in this Rise of the Common rule set usually has more melee units so I assume that opponent would likely use melee strat. This time fire, life water are best for this rule set, and of course, the water exceeds more in dominating in speed stats. So Kelya Frendul is the best choice for this battle with most of this element having more speed stats units.

My Simple Plan Line up

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First position - Arkemis the Bear
  • Acts as a tank in first position because of massive Health and useful abilities like Forcefield which only receives 1 damage if the opponent uses more than 5 damage, Protect which can give 2 additional armor to all friendly units, Halving which reduces opponent target attack damage by half, and Enrage which increase both speed and melee damage if this unit is not in full health.
Second position - Coastal Sentry
  • Placed in the second position, the Coastal Sentry serves as a backup tank and main melee damage because of its Double Strike ability, and with 4 melee damage, ready to step in if Arkemis the Bear is defeated. Its primary role is to take hits from types of attack.
Third position - DeepLurker
  • My second main melee damage has 6 melee damage with Opportunity ability, this ability is useful for targeting the lowest health first of the opponent and we know that most lowest health are usually a support type unit. Making this unit the best choice to deploy in battle and also applying Poison to a target with 50% chance of applying poison.
Fourth position - Sea Stalker
  • My main range damage of the team has 5 range damage and has useful abilities like Snipe, Camouflage, Cleanse, and Amplify.
Fifth position - Commander Slade
  • As I want to dominate the opponent in both speed damage with melee strat, I put this unit because of useful abilities like Enfeeble which reduces opponent target melee damage by 1 per hit and Dodge which has a chance to evade incoming attacks by 25%.
Last position - Giant Alpine Skink
  • Sneak ability from the rule set given Super Sneak which enables this unit to attack the backline last unit on the enemy instead of the first unit though is a different story when the opponent utilizes of using Camouflage Abilities which cannot attack except when it is in first position. I put this last position for that rule set given and this card ability to handle most attacks of the opponent which will act as a tank in the backline position.

Selecting a useful ability in this battle with a good amount of damage will increase your chances of victory in this type of rule set.

Will My Strategy Work?

My opponent is using Tarsa, a rare Chaos Legion summoner from the Fire element, which boosts melee damage and health by 1 for all friendly units. The opponent's lineup is mainly focused on melee attacks, giving them an edge in terms of damage. They’ve also deployed Tinderlock, a legendary Riftwatcher card with ranged damage and useful abilities. However, I hold a speed advantage, and it will be interesting to see whether speed or damage dominates in this match.

Given the contrast between my speed-focused strategy and the opponent’s melee- and ranged-heavy setup, I believe I have a good chance of winning. Let’s see how it plays out!


In the end, I was able to secure victory thanks to Giant Alpine Skink and Commander Slade serving as effective backline tanks under the Super Sneak rule set. The opponent’s focus on melee units played into my strategy perfectly, leading to a successful outcome in this match.

What Can We Learn from This Strategy?

My speed advantage allowed me to win, even though the opponent relied on high-damage melee units. The difference in speed caused many of the opponent's attacks to miss, showing the importance of speed in certain battles.

The key takeaway here is to always study the rule sets and your opponent’s past lineups. Effective tactics require choosing the right cards with abilities that complement the rule set, positioning them optimally, and being familiar with your opponent’s strengths. Even if the opponent has stronger cards, you can still win with a well-thought-out basic lineup.

This strategy, though simple, can be effective in many situations. For more tips, check out my other blog on water element strategies, which I often use. I hope this helps you in your battles! 😊


Thanks! for supporting me, being here, and coming this far. I'm hoping this can assist you with some of your battles. I suggest using speed to increase your chances of winning battles since it increases your ability to block oncoming strikes and launch first attacks.

You can share thoughts and ideas about what could be possible to use in these new rebellion cards on a certain rule-set battle.

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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar