in Splinterlands3 months ago

Cópia de Mage Secrets - WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU.png

I'm back with another episode of my saga where each post is a different rule of the game, since my last content the game has received several updates such as new rules, cards and layout that I particularly loved all 😁, for today's post we have the Target Practice rule that is well known to players for being one of the oldest, the match was for the modern format as always, and I was in the silver league.



TARGET PRACTICEAll ranged and magic attack monsters have the Snipe ability.

Target Practice is a rule that directly influences the match, because all units with ranged and magic attacks receive the Snipe ability, so they can break through the tank's blockade and attack the opponent's back line directly by targeting the first magic, ranged or non-attacking unit in the area.

Some units are incredible in this rule, such as the ranged units that have Martyr, like Venari Marksrat and Fungus Flinger, if they are positioned in such a way that they are the first to receive the opponent's damage, thus easily buffing the units next to them. I also like to use certain tanks in the second position in this rule, such as Molten Ash Golem, Djinn Oshannus, Pelacor Conjurer, Usut, always positioned strategically so that they are also the opponent's targets, protecting my DPS.

Below are my favorite skills for this rule.

Best Skills

HeadwindsIt can vary a lot, but it's almost certain that the opponent will try to field a unit of this type of attack.
BlastExcellent skill here, as it can hit right in the middle of the opposing team, don't think twice about using this skill.
ProtectProtection is never too much, it just won't be effective if the opponent only comes with magic damage, other than that it is almost always present in my games.
MartyrExcellent skill for this rule, as your opponent's target will be predictable, just position this unit so that it is the first to die and still buff the units next to it, I usually place it in the second position buffing the tank and an off tank quickly.
LookoutInteresting ability that can help protect your unit if you want it to be a tank, thus reducing 1 damage from all ranged and magical attacks.
SilenceSame idea as HeadWings, but reducing the magic damage of all enemy units.
TriageExcellent skill, especially if you have several units with ranged and magical attacks in the back line, as this way you will always have a target for this skill.

Worst Skills

SnipeUseless here, as all units will already have this ability as soon as the game starts.


⚔️ My Team ⚔️


A game with 35 mana and the rules Tis But Scratches/Target Practice. The first rule aims to punish HP and Armor regeneration, so I avoided using units with these attributes. Then I focused on Target Practice, choosing a summoner, betting that the game would have low magic damage since the green and blue elements were out, and my summoner would make good use of his strong debuff. I immediately thought about using the units with martyr to buff two powerful DPS, and next to him, I placed Drybone Barbarian and Dhampir Infiltrator. Then I placed as many DPS as I could, but first I positioned Adelade to activate the martyr's buff twice.
Summoner : It has simple debuffs making it easier for him to be present in several matches, but here there was a high chance that the opponent would appear with several units with ranged damage, making it a good option.
Tank : Extremely powerful unit, in its fury state its damage can reach 8, if it counts on the martyr buff it will become a killing machine, the only problem is that it is not very resistant and can fall quickly if it does not have support.
Off-Tank: Positioned in the second position to attract the opponent's fire and thus activate its powerful buff, it is worth remembering that there is a high chance that the buff will be activated twice due to Adelade.
DPS: Great damage and excellent for catching enemy units unprotected will be even stronger with the Martyr buff.
Suport : It will support three fronts like the sniper's targets, the first and the last position, thus always having 3 good targets to be hunted by your skill, in addition to having good damage and cheapness.
DPS: The only support on my team, her main function is to resurrect the Marksrat, her other abilities will not be useful, as no one on my team has armor and she will be the second target of the enemy snipers.
Suport: Strong magic damage, will be useful if a unit with a lot of armor or physical defense appears.


🤜The Battle 🤛


Analyzing the match: My summoner didn't do well with his damage reduction debuff, but it helped a little by reducing the speed of the opposing team, the opponent's summoner didn't help practically anything in the match, both players bet on the strategy of sacrificing a unit with martyr, my team has an advantage in the match due to the lvl of the cards and the damage on the board which is much higher.

Round 1 - As expected, most of the attacks were on the Rats, and the opposing Marksrat died twice. In the middle of the round, I also managed to defeat Dax Paragon, who was unprotected in the last position. In the last movement of the round my Marksrat is defeated, leaving my DPS even more powerful. Drybone Barbarian already has 9 damage.


Round 2 - Right at the beginning my Drybone Barbarian hits the enemy tank precisely, soon after my Marksrat is eliminated again, now leaving my barbarian with an incredible 11 damage, almost at the end the Infiltrator takes the opponent's Adelaide out of the game, now I have an excellent advantage.


Round 3 - Finally, the victory arrived, right at the beginning my barbarian left the opposing tank almost dead, right after the infiltrator knocked out the Time Meddler, the last hit was applied by the Magi of Chaos granting me the victory.


🎊 Conclusion 🎊

My strategy worked perfectly, placing Marksrat as a decoy is a great move in this rule, buffing your DPS even more, with this my Drybone Barabarian reached an incredible 11 damage on turn 2, the Dhampir Infiltrator also destroyed the opponent's defensive line from behind and was important for the victory, Adelade helped buff my DPS even more by resurrecting poor Marksrat to die again, the other DPS did their parts without problems.

Target Pratctice is one of the rules I enjoy playing the most, the fact that all magic and ranged attacks directly attack the opponent's back line is very cool, you can take advantage of it and prepare a nice defense or a nice surprise, as you will know who will be the first unit to be attacked by the opponent thus opening up a range of very cool strategies.


Game Link: Splinterlands


Image sources: and


Thanks for sharing! - @isaria

Eu curto bastante suas postagens, são bastante organizadas e diretas para o assunto. Além é claro que isso foi uma ótima batalha, tenha um bom dia.

Obrigado maninho, fiquei um tempo bom sem postar, to voltando agora 😁, você também tenha um excelente dia 🤘.