Armor and Heal Combo

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Today's daily quest was Sneak, which is one of my most comfortable quests to clear. The ruleset was "Weak Magic", which means magic attacks will hit armor before health. I saw my opponent use Oshannus in their recent battles, which was why I need a physical lineup. We both chose the same water summoner and front line (Diemonshark, one of the best possible units in this ruleset).


However, he went with a chicken, probably thinking I would be using units with Opportunity. For my lineup, I had used Scavo Hireling and Merdaali Guardian to heal/recover my Diemonshark's armor and health. I would have lost this match easily if he used backline units with sneak, snipe, or opportunity to take out my supporting units. From there, my Pelacor Bandit (sneak quest) slowly chipped away their units one by one.

Anyways, today's daily quest was interesting, especially this battle, which is why I am sharing with the community. Have a great day!