Hello fellow hivians,
It's been a while, not to make up any excuses but i haven't really made the time to be consistent in my activeness on this platform. But this is something i am working on and will try to work on that and to be more active. Today was a great day for me, after finalizing my work on a project i have been stuck working on. I just finished and present this project to my bosses, anyways i will talk about this project later but today i got the time to watch a certain movie which to be honest i simply have to rate it a 9 out of 10 and once i saw this contest i felt the need to make sure as many people get to watch this movie. Even though i have watched a lot of movie over time but this one i will currently consider my favourite of will recommend it to friends and all. This movie is "Ghosted 2023"
Ghosted is in a way very different from most movies i have watched, in most cases i always have a sense or felling of how some events will turn out or happen in the movie but this was different because i never saw it coming till it was there and that was the main reason i really enjoyed it.
So lets talk a bit about this movie, the film is an American film directored by Dextor Fletcher consisting of a genre of action, romance, comedy and thriller. This is a genre combination any movie lover can wish for. This movie though is about a simple lowlife farmer who get entangled in a whole other life after meeting a very beautiful lady and after a whole near-death encounter with both this farmer and this young lady, everything becomes clear when the farmer named Cole learns about who the girl is after falling into a trap set for the lady who is named Sadie. So Cole is kidnaped, and accused of being a top level CIA agent of the code name "The Taxman."
So from kidnaping Cole, a hopeless needy romantic from London, UK who decided to surprise his new found "girlfriend" he was taken to Pakistan to be tortured for the passcode for a bio weapon possessed by this criminal organization. So just before the interrogation began, there was Cole's "girlfriend" saving him only for Cole to find out that the girl wasn't there to save him in the first place and the was a mistake which hurt my boy Cole's feelings. And after some interesting turn of events Cole and Sadie ended up retrieving the bio weapon from the criminals.
There was this other scene who after escaping the first time there was a bounty on Cole's head where bounty hunters kept killing each other just to possess him to collect the bounty on his head. that scene was the most funniest.
I can keep on ranting about this movie but there won't enough justice served until you actually watch this movie. The sexual tension, the comedy etc all really got to me. i really enjoyed this movie and i will like to say that it now one of my favourite movie and recommend it to all who haven't watched it yet .
Thank you for reading :)
I’m glad you are done with your project and you can now blog consistently. Ghosted is also a movie I enjoyed watching. I think is did a review about it in movies and tv show’s community. Thank you for sharing and good luck.
Glad to be back fully
Thank you for sharing that movie! I should watch it too :)