Yesterday, a letter arrived that was written 5 years ago.
When I received it, I thought it was one of those promotions, coupons, or information from the bank that always arrive late, when they are no longer of much use. But no, it was a real letter, a real one, with the letters already faded by time and the paper yellowed.
When I saw the name of the sender, Daniel Gomez, I didn't care since I didn't know him, or at least that's what I thought, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to open it and read it, after all, it had already been sent 5 years ago.
I opened the envelope with the intrigue of knowing what story I would find, but I crashed into some lines that literally opened the ground under my feet and I began to fall into a spiral of rage, resentment, guilt, and disappointment.
The letter said:
“Laura, love of my life, this situation has become unbearable. My life hurts every time we say goodbye, every time I have to pretend I don't love you it's like I'm dying slowly.
I know you promised me you would make a decision, but time goes by and I'm still a ghost, I only exist in the little moments by your side.
I don't want to pressure you because I'm afraid of losing you, but I hope you understand that this has become very harmful to me, I need to know if you will leave your husband or if I should walk away forever.”
I read the letter three, four, five times, and every time I read it my heart raced faster, I felt like I was on the verge of collapse, my mind began to cloud, the pressure in my eyes was already painful.
Laura, my Laura? My wife? The same one who took her own life five years ago without leaving a note or an explanation.
Suddenly everything made sense. The guilt, the crying when she pretended to be asleep, her lost look the last few days.
It wasn't depression... it was this, she couldn't stand it.
I felt a mix of anger and sadness, I felt my insides being devoured by them, I wanted to destroy everything, scream, hit and at the same time I understood her reasons.
Five years believing that I had failed her, that I was not attentive enough, that I failed to be the man she needed. And now I discovered that it was because of someone else, someone who managed to be more of a man than me. Someone who expected her to leave everything for him.
But she didn't. Why? Because she loved me? Or because she felt trapped, unable to make a decision?
I collapsed on the couch, with the letter still in my hand, I couldn't take it all at that moment, my mind was spinning, it was like being in limbo and I couldn't get out of it.
Suddenly something caught my attention, on the back of the envelope there was a handwritten address.
And it wasn't mine. It was my neighbor's, Raúl.
I froze.
This letter wasn't for me.
It wasn't my wife who had a lover.
It was Raul's wife.
The air caught in my throat, now I felt like I was suffocating. I looked out the window at Raul's house. A good friendship had been born between him and me, we shared drinks, barbecues, and even personal conversations about how hard life was. And all that time, his wife had been unfaithful to him.
But then I went back to my questions, why did Laura commit suicide?
The relief I felt for a moment disappeared. My pain was still there, intact. I had no answers. Only a new weight on my back: having discovered a secret that didn't belong to me.
A secret that would destroy my friend.
I tore up the letter and threw it into the kitchen trash can. In the end, there are truths that are better not to share.
And mysteries that are better to let die.
Sometimes, the answers never come… and maybe it's better that way. See you soon! 😊
🇪🇸 • Language Original

Ayer llegó una carta que fue escrita hace 5 años.
Al recibirla pensé que era alguna de esas promociones, cupones o información del banco que siempre llegan tarde, cuando ya no sirven de mucho. Pero no, era una carta real, una de verdad verdad, con las letras ya desvanecidas por el tiempo y el papel amarillento.*
Cuando vi el nombre del remitente, Daniel Gómez, me dio igual ya que no lo conocía, o al menos eso creí, pero la curiosidad pudo más y decidí abrirla y leerla, al fin y al cabo ya tenia 5 años de haber sido enviada.
Abrí el sobre con la intriga de saber que historia encontraría, pero me estrelle con unas líneas que literalmente abrieron el suelo bajo mis pies y comencé a caer en una espiral de rabia, rencor, culpa y decepción.
La carta decía:
“Laura, amor de mi vida, esta situación se ha tornado insoportable. Me duele la vida cada vez que nos despedimos, cada vez que tengo que fingir que no te amo es como si muriera lentamente.
Sé que me prometiste que tomarías una decisión, pero pasa el tiempo y sigo siendo un fantasma, solo existo en los raticos a tu lado.
No quiero presionarte porque temo perderte, pero espero que entiendas que esto se ha tornado muy dañino para mi, necesito saber si dejarás a tu esposo o si debo alejarme para siempre.”
Leí la carta tres, cuatro, cinco veces, y cada vez que la leía mi corazón se aceleraba mas, sentía que estaba al borde del colapso, mi mente comenzaba a nublarse, la presión en mis ojos ya era dolorosa.
Laura, ¿Mi Laura? ¿Mi esposa? La misma que hace cinco años se quitó la vida sin dejar una nota o una explicación.
De repente todo tuvo sentido. La culpa, el llanto cuando fingía estar dormida, su mirada perdida los últimos días.
No era depresión… era esto, ella no pudo soportarlo.
Sentí una mezcla de ira y tristeza, sentí que mis entrañas se devoraban entre ellas, quería destruirlo todo, gritar, golpear y al mismo tiempo entendía sus motivos.
Cinco años creyendo que le había fallado, que no fui lo suficientemente atento, que no logre ser el hombre que ella necesito. Y ahora descubría que fue por otro, por alguien que logro ser mas hombre que yo. Uno que esperaba que ella dejara todo por él.
Pero ella no lo hizo. ¿Por qué? ¿Porque me amaba? ¿O porque se sintió atrapada, incapaz de tomar una decisión?
Me desplomé en el sofá, con la carta aún en la mano, no pude con tanto en ese momento, mi mente daba vueltas, era como estar en un limbo y no podía salir de el.
De repente algo llamó mi atención, en la parte de atrás del sobre había una dirección escrita a mano.
Y no era la mía. Era la de mi vecino, Raúl.
Me quedé helado.
Esta carta no era para mí.
No era mi esposa la que tuvo un amante.
Era la esposa de Raúl.
El aire se me atascó en la garganta, ahora sentía que me ahogaba. Miré por la ventana hacia la casa de Raúl. Entre él y yo había nacido una buena amistad, compartíamos tragos, asados, y hasta conversaciones personales sobre lo dura que era la vida. Y todo ese tiempo, su esposa le había sido infiel.
Pero entonces volví a mis preguntas, ¿por qué Laura se suicidó?
El alivio que sentí por un momento desapareció. Mi dolor seguía allí, intacto. No tenía respuestas. Solo un nuevo peso sobre mi espalda: haber descubierto un secreto que no me pertenecía.
Un secreto que destruiría a mi amigo.
Rompí la carta y la lancé a la cesta de basura de la cocina. Al final, hay verdades que es mejor no compartir.
Y misterios que es mejor dejar morir.
A veces, las respuestas nunca llegan… y quizá sea mejor así. ¡Nos leemos pronto! 😊
Aw it is good that the letter was delivered to the wrong address
Well, that depends on the point of view you see it from. In the end, everything remained the same, except that now he carries a secret that he shouldn't have known.
Thank you for reading me and for your vote, I really appreciate it.😊
Absolutely agree. Your story makes readers to think about which choice is good or bad and why.