[Writing Contest] Finish the Tale contest

in Ecency Support7 days ago

I woke up to find a note on my pillow "You have 24 hours". It says. I had no clue on how the letter got to my bedroom, and the last time I checked, my doors were locked before going to bed. It was barely a month since I packed into this apartment, the old wall had something sinister on it, some writings that indicated the occupant must have been a gangster. It was the weekend and I wasn't expecting any messages. I had no friend in the neighborhood yet except a young man who had helped me pack my luggage the day I had packed in.

The letter remained unclear, 24 hours to do what was what I had no knowledge of. As I flipped it to show the other side of the note, I noticed a sign I've seen before, a sign written on that guy's arm, the one who had helped me pack my luggages. Memories started to flash back. He had told me playfully to give him the code that led to a secret room attached to mine, believing the owner had given it to me. I paused for a moment and wondered what was in that safe, even my nextdoor neighbour had enquired if I had access to the secret safe. Curiosity engrossed my mind and I was out there too looking for the code. A letter meant to be a threat ended up with a burning desire to know.

Photo source

24 hours later, A masked guy sat on the woody chair in my bedroom with a gun pointing at me.
"Do you have the code?" He asked, his voice deep and rough. He was fat, fatter than the guy I had assumed wrote the note.
"I have no Idea of any code" I answered, "It's barely a month since I moved in" I added.
"I know" he replied, "but then it was you who built this safe, 40 years ago".
"How? I......"
"Think" he said, cutting me short half way.
Confused, I sat there, afraid a bullet would pierce through my skull the next minute. While I struggled to think, the picture started becoming clearer. I had been here before, the walls, the trees, the doors, the building, I built them. More pictures started to play. It was my house and I was persuaded to take back the house at a cheaper price for this reason. I walked to the safe, input the first code, it responded with a wrong code, after a few trials, the door gave way revealing a great sum of wealth, piled up in bunch

"Congratulations Felix, this was the only way to help you get back your wealth since you suffered Amnesia, never believed it would work, but it did." Standing before me was Jude, my longtime friend.
"Fear sometimes can be a good combatant for memory loss" he said, giving me a warm hug, "welcome back, you've been away too long" he said.

This is in response to the Ecency support contest. It's still active for participation


Awwnnn, Jude is a very good and trusted friend. What a twist 😂. I held my breath thinking the guy would shoot him after he opened the safe.
This is a beautiful story.

I was almost tempted to allow the guy shoot him, smile

I wish everyone had such a nice friend as Jude. And I was so curious about what was happening from the beginning of your story! Thank you!

Unfortunately, everyone can't be like jude

Wow I love the twist in the story.. Jude is a good friend

Glad you like the ending