"You don't know me, but i know you," the voice said before the call cut out. As soon as the call went out, i felt a chill run down my spine as the voice whispered those cryptic words in my ears i began to brainstorm who might the caller be. How did the caller got my number?
This was the second time the caller was calling, the first time it rang out i did not pick the cell phone, thinking the call was not for me since it was a strange number , but the phone kept ringing.
Tell your brother the secret affairs i had with him has resulted to a full grown boy and the boy is presently on admission in the hospital the doctor said he needs a compactable blood donor, and none of my family members blood matches with his ,so tell your brother i will be needing him to donate his blood to his heir. He should contact me through this number i used in calling you.
I was at home that hot afternoon calculating the sales made from the previous day. I was so confused because i could not remember Johnson my younger telling me he had a son out of wedlock
I needed to do the needful, so i immediately picked up my phone and called Johnson to come over. Johnson insisted he had a lot on his desk to clear ,but i pleaded with him as i knew it was ugent.
An hour later johnson appeared in my sitting room, and i narrated the strange call insident and what the caller said i should tell him.
"Johnson please take a flashback and think critical if you had anything to do with a lady called Jessica".
Call her and find out where she had been all this years....
He kept pondering on what i told him but i left to go attend to some thing in the kitchen.
After a while he called my attention and made me realize that there 's an 80 percent chance of Jessica's story being true.
I then told him to contact her and sort his mess out before leaving him to go to my room, to sleep off the stress.
Thank you all for reading.
Image generated from meta Ai
Second image my source.
No way.... I hope he will get a help in time. Thank you for the touching story 💙
You are welcome