Good admirer.

Every morning a different object appear on my neighbor's balcony. today it was a pair of brown shoes.

As i woke up this morning trying to keep the surounding clean by sweeping, i noticed something peculiar on my neighbors balcony.

What could be the reason for these daily surprises?
All though i could recall that mrs patrica is a good admirer she can admire any thing someone puts on, be it clothes shoe ,wevon ,jelwries , accessories, anything as long as it captivating.

May be that's why she frequently has gift on her balcony because whosoever is sending these parcels knows that she will appreciate it.

Maybe it's her husband that places those items on the balcony as his way of surprising her or maybe its her way of showing off what she had bought from the market prior. Whichever way it is, I can only admire from afar.


Sometimes these things can't be helped and when we see such, all we can do is to look and then continue with what we were doing.

What pretty shoes!