Muy bueno, grato final, Uno piensa que le quedan 24 horas de vida cuando en realidad el aviso er que le faltaban 24 hors para ser dada de alta. No se por què pensè que era varòn y apenas comencè a verla como dama al momento en que se menciona su nombre, Lisa. Me gustò su relato, muy bien escrito.
Imagino que Lisa se comunicarà telefonicamente con sus amigos para darles la noticia de que todo fue un mal entendido. Interesante saber si la amistad continùa o se corta. Podrìas escribirle una segunda parte... Buen relato. Te deseo èxito en el concurso.
Very good, pleasant ending. One thinks that she has 24 hours to live when in reality the notice was that she had 24 hours left to be discharged. I don't know why I thought she was a boy and I barely started to see her as a lady when her name, Lisa, was mentioned. I liked your story, very well written.
I imagine that Lisa will contact her friends by phone to tell them that everything was a misunderstanding. Interesting to know if the friendship continues or ends. You could write a second part... Good story. I wish you success in the contest.
Interesting that you started seeing her as a boy, but I didn't specify the gender at tge beginning, so that's normal. Thank you for reading my story, good idea for the second part:)