The unexpected call

in Ecency Support • 7 days ago

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"You don't know me, but i know you, the voice said before the call was cut off...

Joanna hissed after the phone dropped, she was just not in the mood for such call. James has been acting cold for the longest time in their relationship and had just found out he was cheating. She has broken it off and has been moody for days and this call just added to it.

She tried to take her mind iff the call she just had, but couldn't. This better not be james playing pranks on me she thought to herself.But then, on second thought 🤔 she realized it wasn't his voice. She decided to call the caller back. It didn't pick after the first and second trial.

She decided to o let it be and sleep off just when her head touched her pillow, a call came through and she hurriedly picked it. Hello?,she said but the silence followed.

look Mister I'm in no mood for this ,what and who gave you the right to call and end it after speaking rubbish? The voice came relax Joanna,
WOW, you even know my name interesting", so who are you? I doubt you will know me even if i tell you my name so let's skip that.

The caller went on and on telling her things about herself from way back her university days and how he had always stalked her and looked forward to it daily. He had liked her from the first time he saw her when they had joint lectures but had been timid and scared to meet her or even tell her anout his feelings.

Joanna was relaxed at this information but asked why he had to start a call like that and he said just so she could be curious and it worked. The talked at length and it helped in getting her mind off James at the moment. What started as a prank or annoying call ended up making her day and changing her mood.

Thank you for reading


This interesting, Joan is about to fall in love again 🥰

Yes she is 😂

Thank you, how was your day today?

My day was pretty good. thanks
For asking

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