marimari142 cross-posted this post in Budget Travel 3 years ago

Zlatibor - planina koja vas zove ~ Zlatibor - the mountain that calls you

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)
Na Zlatiboru se prirodne lepote susreću sa kulturološkim nasleđem Upravo zato je Zlatibor jedan od najposećenijih turističkih destinacija u našoj državi. Uz to se nalazi u blizini okolnih zanimljivih destinacija kao što su Drvengrad, Šarganska osmica, Višegrad i Tornik.On Zlatibor, natural beauties meet the cultural heritage. That is exactly why Zlatibor is one of the most visited tourist destinations in our country. In addition, it is located near the surrounding interesting destinations such as Drvengrad, Sharganska osmica, Visegrad and Tornik.



Sve to je više nego dovoljan razlog da se odlučite na to da sledeći odmor provedete na ovoj planini i uživate u najboljem što Srbija ima da ponudi, mesto za tišinu i odmor, mesto najukusnijih gurmanskih specijaliteta i istovremeno mesto gde možete uživati ​​u lepotama svakog godišnjeg doba .All this is more than enough reason to decide to spend your next vacation on this mountain and enjoy the best that Serbia has to offer, a place for silence and rest, a place of the most delicious gourmet specialties and at the same time a place where you can enjoy the beauty of each of the season.

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Bez lažne skromnosti možemo reći da Zlatibor sažima sve ono što je u Srbiji najbolje.Zlatibor je lekovita banja, rekreativni centar, skijalište, centar kulturnih dešavanja.Odlično ćete se provesti kad god da se odlučite da posetite ovu planinu.Na Zlatiboru je uvek pravo vreme za aktivan odmor i osvajanje vrhova planina.Without false modesty we can say that Zlatibor summarizes everything that is best in Serbia. Zlatibor is a healing spa, recreation center, ski resort, center of cultural events. You will have a great time whenever you decide to visit this mountain.Zlatibor is always the right time for active vacation and conquering mountain peaks.

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U svakom slučaju vam preporučujemo da propustite kuhinje da probate specijalitete tradicionalne zlatiborske. Jedan od najboljih načina da upoznate neko mesto jeste da isprobate njegovu hranu. Obradujte svoja nepca zlatiborskim sirom, kajmakom, komplet lepinjom, mačkat pršutom ili ljubiškom pastrmkom.In any case, we recommend that you miss the cuisine to try the specialties of traditional Zlatibor. One of the best ways to get to know a place is to try its food. Treat your palate with Zlatibor cheese, kajmak, a set of buns, prosciutto or Ljubica trout.

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Na Zlatiboru ćete okusiti najbolje srpske specijalitete, videti najlepše pejzaže, odmoriti dušu i telo. Planina zove, avanture tek počinju, idemo na Zlatibor.On Zlatibor you will taste the best Serbian specialties, see the most beautiful landscapes, rest your body and soul. The mountain is calling, the adventures are just beginning, we are going to Zlatibor.

Preuzeto sa Vikipedije:
Zlatibor na mapi Srbije


Engleski nije moj maternji jezik, pa se izvinjavam ako ima grešaka u kucanju. Nadam se da me razumete.Pozdrav dragi moji prijatelji, vaša Mari!English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are typos. I hope you understand me. Greetings dear my friends, your Mari!