Hello everyone, bad news. I have to share something with everyone and something i have been struggling with the past 3 days. I can't think of a way to fix it and everything i try is a dead end. Short story is Spinvest is screwed, my computer crashed on Sunday evening and will not turn back on. I had all my crypto stuff and investment passwords saved on that computer, all of Spinvest's account passwords& spreadsheets, all my crypto wallets, my bitcoin seed words, my masternodes and all the passwords for my servers, all gone. I tried asking welshstacker for the keys to spinvest as he is supposed to be the fucking beneficiary but he never copy/pasted and saved the keys that i sent to him on discord and of course, i deleted the DM's containing the passwords for "safety" I have been using one of the kids laptops that i once signed into steemit from. I got the posting key for spinvest from the saved passwords in the browser but no active key hence why I've still been posting. I have exhausted all my resources to no joy. I created the spinvest account through @steemcryptosicko so maybe there is some way to fix all this, maybe cryptosicko it can be like a recovery account.
I really have no idea what to do about everyone's funds? I am really sorry about this, if you trusted and lost funds with me I have lost all my STEEM/HIVE as well if it makes you feel any better. We still have our off-platform investments but they are only 3% of the total fund sot we've not lost everything and can rebuild. I have 5000 STEEM POWER and HIVE POWER on another account, i was planning to cash it out to buy some gold but i guess i can wait for a few months and use these funds to help start paying everyone back. It might take a while but we are a strong club and everyone makes mistakes, i just made a big one and next time i will make sure to store the keys properly. I have a plan,
The plan
Ok, so it looks like i have lost everyones funds but we can get it back, all we have to do is follow the plan, check it out
Baaaaa-hahaha. It's not possible for me to lose the spinvest keys. I have them tattooed under my foreskin but i also keep a backup USB drive and as a last resort, printed out version.
If you for 1-second thought i had really lost the keys for @spinvest, you are a fool and that makes me cool and we know if your cool you have no use for school.
That was a good one.
Weird I didn't panic I really should have?
Maybe I'm more screwed up than I thought lol
Hopefully everyone's stocked up on toilet paper for when they shit themselves lol
Maybe we have so many loses we were just up to chalk up another lose
Yeah your probably right.
Nothing would shock me in crypto anymore lol
I agree, being involved with crypto deffo dumbs you to big gains and loses.
LoL .... burn baby burn!
disco inferno !!!!!!
Haha,you got me!
Good one!
I love a good ole joke
At 1.4. it was not bad :-)
sorry man, .
not really, see you next year :)
You got me lol
looks like everyone else forgot
You got me fooled 😀😀
hehe, see you next year :)
Ha I was going to say you should also be writing at least the master password down.
It's safe in 3 spots :)
Nice one, you fooled for a moment
:) lol
Haha guess you scared some people here 😂
good :)
I don't know how to respond .... I am dying inside from reading the post. I don't know . It is so hilarious
Now you should have done that on April fools day rofl Just read this now maybe you did do this on April fools day..... A very good one in any case