Crazy how government employees don't care they are scum.

in Fuckit3 months ago

It has always baffled me a bit how police officers for example don't really care that they murderers, which to be fair given the people they deal with I don't mind all that much either.

Obviously given they go about it in more boondock saints fashion. Now obviously the other major chunk are vile and do not have the benefit of doing good for the community, they are the abusers who will hurt any women and child and are no different than the things they protect in prison from the death penalty.

So it is needless to say that I doubt something like a politician could even have a almost 50% ratio of kinda ok vs disgusting human being.

For one thing the moment you even move from being a general government employee to something like a Mayor then you cannot assume to be seen as a honest and trustworthy person.

Just image how much worse they are as you move up the ladder.

These things truly are the worst of humanity, and just like in sports where people lose their minds over some ball being kicked or thrown and give all their money to the things on the fields and because they live for them. They do the exact same for these so-called leaders.

The news obviously in cahoots since they then report things as though anything the people in those positions say are somehow worth consideration. It really baffles me how in a time where we supposedly fact check things all the time we don't once just draw a line and go censor the so-called prominent people.

Really their jobs only have weight because we pretend it does, same as the top scorer of some game.

There is very little the government does that a calculator and a proper napkin plan can't do. For one the calculator has better ethic and moral values...

Anyway this is boring now, I need these bastards to stop scanning my messages because it takes longer to download voice notes and it irks me.