In this opportunity I will tell you how has been the course of my medical career 👩⚕👨⚕, I will start by telling you that in 2013, I decided to study medicine ... this due to the influence of my godmother, who is a pediatrician 👩⚕👶👧 and because my dad studied until half of the race but decided not to finish it, I even have an image of the student card of the same university of my dad in medical school in 1978. We can see the differences between what was a 1978 card and a 2014 card of the University of Carabobo🎓📜....
El día antes de la prueba, no estudie... simplemente descanse toda la tarde. no mentiré, tenia mucha ansiedad por lo que al despertarme estaba tenso a pesar de las horas de estudio que tenia, fui a formarme en la larga cola y por fin pude entrar dure hasta el final en el aula; llegue a las 7 am y salí casi a las 12 pm.. nos dieron caramelos para calmarnos durante el examen y yo lleve agua. al finalizar sentí un alivio y tenia confianza por que percibía que había sacado buena nota. Finalmente al final del día, esa misma noche... publicaron los resultados por que el examen era de opciones y había una maquina que hacia la revisión rápido sobre las respuestas ✅. mi nota fue de 10.15 puntos y la mayor nota de todas si mal no recuerdo fue 14.65 puntos. me emocione y celebre... sentía orgullo por haber logrado algo que muy pocos en esa carrera logran, pasar la prueba de ingreso y poder optar a estudiar medicina 👨⚕. Quede en el puesto numero 327 de 3998 aspirantes a estudiar medicina en la Universidad de Carabobo 🎓📜.
In 2013, I started studying 2 months before to take the entrance exam to medicine, from the beginning I called it as the fight for medicine... so I started studying subjects such as biology 🌿, chemistry 🔬, mathematics 1️⃣ of the last 3 years of high school in addition to studying verbal and abstract, all this because the entrance exam was going to focus on these subjects. i woke up early from sunday to monday and even lasted all day studying and my break was at bedtime, and at recess during my last year of high school i would study and practice. my biology and chemistry teachers helped me with certain doubts, they really were my unconditional support and to which today i am very grateful to those two excellent teachers. all this, for 2 months in a row without stopping 💪🤓.
The day before the test, I did not study... I just rested all afternoon. I will not lie, I had a lot of anxiety so when I woke up I was tense despite the hours of study I had, I went to form in the long queue and finally I could enter I lasted until the end in the classroom; I arrived at 7 am and left almost at 12 pm... they gave us candy to calm us during the test and I took water. at the end I felt a relief and I was confident because I perceived that I had gotten a good grade. Finally at the end of the day, that same night... they published the results because the exam was of options and there was a machine that made a quick review of the answers ✅. my score was 10.15 points and the highest score of all if I remember correctly was 14.65 points. I got excited and celebrated... I felt proud for having achieved something that very few in that career achieve, to pass the entrance exam and be able to choose to study medicine 👨⚕. I was ranked 327 out of 3998 applicants to study medicine at the University of Carabobo 🎓📜.
I finally started medicine the following year; 2014, it was great. I have pictures of the initial years of my career where I have changed physically and mentally I became stronger in the face of adversity. Many of my classmates did not finish their studies because they were not determined to study medicine or because they had to emigrate to another country due to the crisis we are facing in the country.
Hasta en los últimos años, donde mis practicas como estudiante de medicina lo hice en dos hospitales 🏥
Even in the last few years, where my internship as a medical student I did it in two hospitals 🏥
Hasta que finalizamos y por fin cerramos un ciclo de vida, para empezar otro jajaja. pero fue gratificante y enormes experiencias acarreé durante el transcurso de la carrera y tras comenzar en el 2014 por temas de protestas en el país y por la pandemia nos atrasó pero aun así, seguí con esfuerzo y con el enorme apoyo de mi familiares y amigos logre terminar mi carga académica en el 2021 y mi acto de graduación fue en el 2022. Muchas gracias por pasar por mi post y espero que haya sido de inspiración para luchar por sus metas.
But it was rewarding and enormous experiences I carried during the course of the race and after starting in 2014 due to protests in the country and the pandemic delayed us but still, I continued with effort and with the enormous support of my family and friends I managed to finish my academic load in 2021 and my graduation ceremony was in 2022. Thank you very much for stopping by my post and I hope it has been an inspiration to strive for your goals.
Mi ultima foto en un hospital fue como medico recien graduado y con mis compañeros de rural. se que aun me falta por la especialidad y subespecialidad pero seguire luhando dia a dia 💪.
My last photo in a hospital was as a newly graduated physician and with my rural colleagues. I know that I still have to complete my specialty and subspecialty but I will keep on working day by day 💪.
muchas gracias :)
Muchas felicidades colega , entonces por que especialidad te vas a decidir!!!!
Un saludo, medicina interna!!! gracias por pasar
Bueno un gusto entonces poder seguir conociendo colegas y fortaleciendo nuestra comunidad . Saludos a yo geriatría ✌🏻
Muchas felicidades, saludos.
muchas gracias estimado
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