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RE: DANZAN BAJO LA LUZ. (Versión en Español)

in Cervantes3 years ago

@hivewatchers,Hello greetings, this time I am writing to you after a while wanting to lose my apologies for your spam notice in my publications made in English and Spanish, the truth is I did not do it in a way to take advantage of the platform, on the contrary I did it to spread My photographic art and I did not know that it could be a problem... I have clarified my point of view, I promise not to do it again and please it would be a great relief to remove that negative vote label since it was not to be done. something wrong with the platform, without further ado I say goodbye to you and I await a positive response since my trajectory on this platform has been impeccable, excuse me for being late but I live in a country where the internet is regulated and I had not been able to talk with you! Thank you for protecting this platform from plagiarism and being aware of each publication. THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE!