Pollo al strogonoff, con fideo tirabuzonºººººChicken with strogonoff, with tirabuzon noodles

in Cervantes3 months ago

Hola a todos, para todos los que me siguen bien saben de la preferencia en la cocina que tengo yo, tambien saben referente a la misma que la debilidad de la mayoria en mi casa son las pastas, en este caso el fideo, bueno el tirabuzon, pero con una salsa diferente que es la salsa stogonoff, pero el detalle que la misma en este caso es con pollo cortado en trozos bien pequeños y no con carne de res, bueno de todas maneras salio exquisito, la misma ya se incorporo a la lista de las comidas preferidas, jajajaja.


Por supuesto que al tratarse de una salsa excelente, la misma va acompañada con fideos, como dije anteriormente dicho fideo se trata de fideo tirabuzon, el cual para cocinarlo, agregamos una olla en la hornalla de la cocina le agregamos agua caliente, luego vamos agregando pausadamente dicho fideo y revolviendo lentamente para que los mismos no se peguen y una ves que se cocinaron le quito todo el agua que contiene, quedando como se ve en la foto.


Por supuesto que ahora viene la frutilla del postre o sea de como prepare dicha salsa (strogonoff), para la cual se necesita, pechuga de pollo cortada en trozos pequeños, en mi caso agregue la sarten en la hornalla de la cocina, agregue un poco de aceite de oliva, luego la cebolla cortada en trozos bien pequeño, como asi tambien el morron, luego el pollo antes mencionado, un poco de mantequilla, luego harina de trigo, revolviendo muy despacio, agua caliente y cuando note que estaba vastante cocinado todo, le agregue un poco de moztaza y despues crema de leche, hasta que se termino de cocinar.


Una ves servido al plato, por supuesto que va en gusto de cada uno, le agregue un poco de pimienta negra molida, cuando agregue dicha salsa sobre el fideo, la verdad amigos es la primera ves que lo hice y la verdad salio muy sabroso, teniendo en cuenta que esta salsa es oriunda de RUSIA.



Hello everyone, for all those who follow me well know the preference in the kitchen that I have, also know regarding the same that the weakness of the majority in my house are the pastas, in this case the noodle, well the tirabuzon, but with a different sauce that is the stogonoff sauce, but the detail that the same in this case is with chicken cut into very small pieces and not with beef, well anyway it came out exquisite, the same already joined the list of favorite foods, hahahaha.


Of course that being an excellent sauce, the same is accompanied with noodles, as I said before this noodle is tirabuzon noodle, which to cook it, we add a pot on the stove of the kitchen we add hot water, then we slowly add the noodle and stirring slowly so that they do not stick and once they were cooked I remove all the water it contains, leaving as seen in the photo.


Of course now comes the strawberry of the dessert or how to prepare this sauce (strogonoff), for which you need, chicken breast cut into small pieces, in my case I added the pan on the stove, add a little olive oil, then the onion cut into very small pieces, as well as the sweet pepper, then the chicken mentioned above, a little butter, then wheat flour, stirring very slowly, hot water and when I noticed that it was very hot, I added a little butter, then wheat flour, stirring very slowly, hot water and when I noticed that it was very hot, I added a little butter, then wheat flour, and also the morron, then the chicken mentioned before, a little butter, then wheat flour, stirring very slowly, hot water and when I noticed that everything was cooked enough, I added a little moztaza and then cream, until it was finished cooking.


Once served on the plate, of course it is up to each one's taste, I added some ground black pepper, when I added the sauce over the noodles, the truth is that this is the first time I made it and it was very tasty, taking into account that this sauce comes from RUSSIA.



That's my chef preparing another wonderful meal.

Hola, la verdad se hace lo que se puede jajaja, gracias, saludos.

This will be very tasty 😋

Hola, la verdad que es muy sabroso y facil de prepararlo, gracias, saludos.

Making noodles with that extraordinary skill of cooking is a unique dish. Which is proven to be a healthy food especially tirabuzon noodles are very good to eat. Thanks for sharing

Hola, tambien porque sale muy exquisito, gracias, saludos.

U are most welcome my pleasure