Buen día a todos, les traigo otro relato corto, que lo tomaré como parte de otros escritos que en algún momento uniré. Una vez más espero que sea de su agrado.🤡
Image taken from Pixabay of the author Stefan Keller
Portales II
by Dayana M Suárez
Todo comenzó al despertarme, debí prestar atención a los detalles que me rodeaban, no lo hice, el reloj no sonó, simplemente abrí los ojos y me dispuse a ir al baño, al abrir la regadera no había agua caliente, por lo que tuve que bajar a revisar el calentador, estaba desenchufado, imaginé que Guiliam lo había desconectado por la lluvia de anoche, esto me retrazó , tuve que esperar un rato. A la media hora me bañé, el reloj seguía sin sonar, pero marcaba las 5:30 de la mañana. Terminé de arreglarme, tome agua y salí de la casa.
It all started when I woke up, I should have paid attention to the details around me, I did not, the clock did not ring, I just opened my eyes and went to the bathroom, when I opened the shower there was no hot water, so I had to go down to check the heater, it was unplugged, I imagined that Guiliam had disconnected it because of the rain last night, this delayed me, I had to wait a while. After half an hour I took a bath, the clock was still not ringing, but it was 5:30 in the morning. I finished getting ready, drank some water and left the house.
Image taken from Pixabay authored by English
Image taken from Pixabay of the author Stefan Keller
The thank you image was made in Canva. The dividers used were created in Creative Cloud Express.