[ESP/ENG] Infecciones urinarias / Urinary infections

in Cervantes2 years ago

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 Un cordial saludo a toda la comunidad, un placer saludarles, por acá su servidor: @galejandrovv.

 Hoy les comentaré sobre una patología bastante frecuente en la práctica médica, sobre todo en las mujeres, se trata de las infecciones urinarias.

 A cordial greeting to the entire community, a pleasure to greet you, here is your server: @galejandrovv.

 Today I will comment on a fairly common pathology in medical practice, especially in women, it is urinary tract infections.

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 Son procesos infecciosos, generalmente de origen bacteriano, que ocurren a cualquier nivel del aparato genitourinario; son más frecuentes en las mujeres, debido a que, anatmómicamente su uretra es mucho más corta, y, los microorganismos ascienden más fácil y rápido.
  They are infectious processes, generally of bacterial origin, that occur at any level of the genitourinary system; They are more frequent in women, because, anatomically, their urethra is much shorter, and the microorganisms ascend more easily and quickly.

Fuente / Source

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  Los microorganismos invaden la ureta, tanto femenina como masculina, posteriormente ascienden desde allí hasta los riñones, mientras más alto llegue el microorganismo, mayores son las manifestaciones clínicas y aumenta el riesgo de infecciones hacia otros órganos y sistemas.
  Microorganisms invade the urethra, both female and male, then ascend from there to the kidneys, the higher the microorganism reaches, the greater the clinical manifestations and the risk of infections to other organs and systems increases.

Fuente / Source

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 Dependrán del nivel donse se encuentre la infección, las vías urinarias se dividen en altas (riñones y uréteres) y bajas (vejiga y uretra).

  Las infecciones urinarias altas incluyen: fiebre, malestar general, escalofrios y dolor en la zona lumbar.

  Las infecciones urinarias bajas incluyen: disuria (dolor al orinar), secreción purulenta a través de la uretra, orina con mal olor y muy turbia, ardor al orinar, etc.

  El diagnóstico se basa en la clínica del paciente y en la evidencia de infección en un uroanálisis y/o urocultivo.

  Depending on the level where the infection is, the urinary tract is divided into upper (kidneys and ureters) and lower (bladder and urethra).

 Upper urinary tract infections include: fever, malaise, chills and pain in the lower back.

  Lower urinary tract infections include: dysuria (painful urination), purulent discharge through the urethra, foul-smelling and very cloudy urine, burning during urination, etc.

 The diagnosis is based on the patient's symptoms and the evidence of infection in a urinalysis and/or urine culture.

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 El tratamiento, principalmente, se basa en mejorar las molestias del paciente, para ello se indican: antiespasmódicos y analgésicos. No se deben indicar antibióticos hasta no demoestrar mediante exámenes paraclínicos que hay una infección bacteriana presente.

  Una vez demostrada la infección bacteriana, se indica tratamiento antibiótico; existen muchos fármacos usados en ésta patologías, por ejemplo: nitrofurantoína, trimetoprim sulfametoxazol, etc., algunos se usan solos y otras veces combinados, todo depende del criterio médico y de la magnitud de la infección.

 Cabe destacar que, si estamos ante la presencia de una infección urinaria alta (pielonefritis), el tratamiento se debe indicar por vía endovenosa, al menos por 72 horas y posteriormente, de acuerdo a la evolución, se puede rotar a tratamiento por vía oral y el paciente debe repetir paraclínicos una vez terminado el tratamiento, para confirmar que el mismo corrigió la infección.

  The treatment, mainly, is based on improving the patient's discomfort, for which the following are indicated: antispasmodics and analgesics. Antibiotics should not be indicated until paraclinical tests demonstrate that there is a bacterial infection present.

 Once the bacterial infection has been demonstrated, antibiotic treatment is indicated; There are many drugs used in these pathologies, for example: nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, etc., some are used alone and sometimes in combination, everything depends on the medical criteria and the magnitude of the infection.

 It should be noted that, if we are facing the presence of an upper urinary tract infection (pyelonephritis), the treatment must be indicated intravenously, for at least 72 hours and later, according to the evolution, it can be rotated to oral treatment and the patient must repeat paraclinical tests once the treatment is finished, to confirm that it corrected the infection.

 Espero haya sido de tu agrado el contenido de éste post, agradezco su colaboración con comentarios, upvote's y repost. Hasta la próxima.
  I hope the content of this post has been to your liking, I appreciate your collaboration with comments, upvote's and repost. Until next time.

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Muchísimas gracias 👐

This was a beautiful write up about infectious that affects the urinary tract. It's cool to connect with you. I m @jaydr

Thank you very much, I'm glad it was to your liking, the pleasure is mine. greetings Dr.

I ll like to inform you about something new starting up. It is a Community called Med-Hive you can check it out..

We are yet to launch but it's create. And things are setting up already. GP referred me to let you know about it.

I would love to be part of the community, and contribute to it, it would be a pleasure.

It's a. Pleasure to have you Sir.

I ll fetch you a link to the community Sir.

Oh I see you already joined thanks.

Yes, I am already part of the community. I hope to contribute and grow with her, greetings.