Bienvenidos al programa llamado: ¡Mundo de Ideas con Cris, que te presentamos aquí en Hive!
Este viernes a partir de las 6:00 p. m. hora de Venezuela no olvides el programa en vivo MUNDO DE IDEAS con Cris, desde el servidor de HispaPro, así que los esperamos con mucho cariño, dispuestos a construir una experiencia de aprendizaje entre todos, además de apoyarnos mutuamente, así te invito a encontrarnos en nuestro programa de Curación donde cada semana pasaremos una tarde alegre, divertida, donde lo importante es fortalecer esos lazos de amistad y apoyo entre todos.
Con la moderación de @crisch23, estaremos pendiente de tu visita todos los viernes a partir de las 6:00 pm, no debemos olvidar las reglas para la participación de cada uno de nuestros amigos usuarios, como son la originalidad, creatividad, demostrar dedicación, que cumpla con las reglas de la comunidad en la que público, te invito a dar lo mejor de ti y un poco más en tus publicaciones.
Espero que puedas compartir tu post más reciente con menos de 24 horas de publicación, así podremos disfrutar juntos de la dinámica en nuestra curación.
Cuando traigas tu publicación, puedes disponer de unos minutos para contarnos sobre ella, de ahí surgirán de acuerdo a la dinámica del momento las recomendaciones y comentarios de acuerdo a la temática de tu publicación, es importante tener buena ortografía y redacción, además de tener coherencia con las ideas que expresas.
Es importante que tu publicación este enmarcada con la originalidad de tus ideas y creatividad.
Te invitamos a la actividad de Curación MUNDO DE IDEAS, con Cris, En vivo y en directo desde la plataforma de discord HispaPro
bajo la moderación de @crisch23
Nuestra dinámica de participación será la siguiente:
- Es importante que llegues puntual a la actividad.
- A partir de las 18:00 habrá iré anotando los que van ingresando al servidor a través del chat para incluirlos en la lista de participantes, recuerda solo hay 16 cupos durante el programa de ese día.
- Debes tener un micrófono para que podamos oírte y puedas defender tu puesto en el canal de voz.
- El intervalo de tiempo entre cada participante no debe superar los tres minutos, esto asegura el foco principal que es la curación.
- Presentar un post que tenga menos de 24 horas de publicado.
- El contenido debe ser original, mostrando cuidado en su elaboración y aportando valor a la comunidad.
- Acompáñanos hasta el final de la curación.
HispaPro nos sigue abriendo oportunidades para seguir creciendo y desarrollando tus habilidades como Hiver, con el tiempo irás perfeccionando tus habilidades de redacción y presentación para que cada una de tus publicaciones sea un reflejo de tu compromiso con la plataforma Hive y su proyección.
Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de abrir su micrófono para compartir su contenido reciente para su evaluación y posible curación por @hispapro.
Fuente utilizadas en el Banner de Presentacion.
Imagen 1
Imagen 2
Greetings to all!
Welcome to the program called: World of Ideas with Cris, which we present to you here at Hive!
This Friday from 6:00 p. m. Venezuela time do not forget the live program WORLD OF IDEAS with Cris, from the HispaPro server, so we are waiting for you with much affection, ready to build a learning experience among all, besides supporting each other, so I invite you to meet us in our Healing program where every week we will spend a cheerful, fun evening, where the important thing is to strengthen those bonds of friendship and support among all.
With the moderation of @crisch23, we will be looking forward to your visit every Friday from 6:00 pm, we must not forget the rules for the participation of each of our user friends, such as originality, creativity, show dedication, which complies with the rules of the community in which public, I invite you to give the best of you and a little more in your publications.
I hope you can share your most recent post with less than 24 hours of publication, so we can enjoy the dynamics together in our curation.
When you bring your publication, you can have a few minutes to tell us about it, from there will arise according to the dynamics of the moment the recommendations and comments according to the theme of your publication, it is important to have good spelling and writing, in addition to having coherence with the ideas you express.
It is important that your publication is framed with the originality of your ideas and creativity.
We invite you to the Curation activity WORLD OF IDEAS, with Cris, Live and direct from the discord platform HispaPro
under the moderation of @crisch23
Our dynamics of participation will be as follows:
- It is important that you arrive punctually to the activity.
- From 18:00 I will be noting those who are entering the server through the chat to include them in the list of participants, remember there are only 16 slots during the program that day.
- You must have a microphone so we can hear you and you can defend your place in the voice channel.
- The time interval between each participant should not exceed three minutes, this ensures the main focus which is healing.
- Submit a post that is less than 24 hours old.
- The content must be original, showing care in its elaboration and providing value to the community.
- Join us until the end of the curation.
HispaPro continues to open opportunities for us to continue growing and developing your skills as a Hiver, over time you will be perfecting your writing and presentation skills so that each of your publications is a reflection of your commitment to the Hive platform and its projection.
Each participant will have the opportunity to open their microphone to share their recent content for evaluation and possible curation by @hispapro.
bajo la moderación de @crisch23
Nuestra dinámica de participación será la siguiente:
- Es importante que llegues puntual a la actividad.
- A partir de las 18:00 habrá iré anotando los que van ingresando al servidor a través del chat para incluirlos en la lista de participantes, recuerda solo hay 16 cupos durante el programa de ese día.
- Debes tener un micrófono para que podamos oírte y puedas defender tu puesto en el canal de voz.
- El intervalo de tiempo entre cada participante no debe superar los tres minutos, esto asegura el foco principal que es la curación.
- Presentar un post que tenga menos de 24 horas de publicado.
- El contenido debe ser original, mostrando cuidado en su elaboración y aportando valor a la comunidad.
- Acompáñanos hasta el final de la curación.
HispaPro nos sigue abriendo oportunidades para seguir creciendo y desarrollando tus habilidades como Hiver, con el tiempo irás perfeccionando tus habilidades de redacción y presentación para que cada una de tus publicaciones sea un reflejo de tu compromiso con la plataforma Hive y su proyección.
Cada participante tendrá la oportunidad de abrir su micrófono para compartir su contenido reciente para su evaluación y posible curación por @hispapro.
Fuente utilizadas en el Banner de Presentacion.
Imagen 1
Imagen 2
Welcome to the program called: World of Ideas with Cris, which we present to you here at Hive!
This Friday from 6:00 p. m. Venezuela time do not forget the live program WORLD OF IDEAS with Cris, from the HispaPro server, so we are waiting for you with much affection, ready to build a learning experience among all, besides supporting each other, so I invite you to meet us in our Healing program where every week we will spend a cheerful, fun evening, where the important thing is to strengthen those bonds of friendship and support among all.
With the moderation of @crisch23, we will be looking forward to your visit every Friday from 6:00 pm, we must not forget the rules for the participation of each of our user friends, such as originality, creativity, show dedication, which complies with the rules of the community in which public, I invite you to give the best of you and a little more in your publications.
I hope you can share your most recent post with less than 24 hours of publication, so we can enjoy the dynamics together in our curation.
When you bring your publication, you can have a few minutes to tell us about it, from there will arise according to the dynamics of the moment the recommendations and comments according to the theme of your publication, it is important to have good spelling and writing, in addition to having coherence with the ideas you express.
It is important that your publication is framed with the originality of your ideas and creativity.
We invite you to the Curation activity WORLD OF IDEAS, with Cris, Live and direct from the discord platform HispaPro
under the moderation of @crisch23
Our dynamics of participation will be as follows:
- It is important that you arrive punctually to the activity.
- From 18:00 I will be noting those who are entering the server through the chat to include them in the list of participants, remember there are only 16 slots during the program that day.
- You must have a microphone so we can hear you and you can defend your place in the voice channel.
- The time interval between each participant should not exceed three minutes, this ensures the main focus which is healing.
- Submit a post that is less than 24 hours old.
- The content must be original, showing care in its elaboration and providing value to the community.
- Join us until the end of the curation.
HispaPro continues to open opportunities for us to continue growing and developing your skills as a Hiver, over time you will be perfecting your writing and presentation skills so that each of your publications is a reflection of your commitment to the Hive platform and its projection.
Each participant will have the opportunity to open their microphone to share their recent content for evaluation and possible curation by @hispapro.
under the moderation of @crisch23
Our dynamics of participation will be as follows:
- It is important that you arrive punctually to the activity.
- From 18:00 I will be noting those who are entering the server through the chat to include them in the list of participants, remember there are only 16 slots during the program that day.
- You must have a microphone so we can hear you and you can defend your place in the voice channel.
- The time interval between each participant should not exceed three minutes, this ensures the main focus which is healing.
- Submit a post that is less than 24 hours old.
- The content must be original, showing care in its elaboration and providing value to the community.
- Join us until the end of the curation.
HispaPro continues to open opportunities for us to continue growing and developing your skills as a Hiver, over time you will be perfecting your writing and presentation skills so that each of your publications is a reflection of your commitment to the Hive platform and its projection.
Each participant will have the opportunity to open their microphone to share their recent content for evaluation and possible curation by @hispapro.
~~~ embed:1654477052546891777?t=sN4YW_7giIA9uGJAbN-6uw&s=19 twitter metadata:Q3Jpc2NoMjMxfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0NyaXNjaDIzMS9zdGF0dXMvMTY1NDQ3NzA1MjU0Njg5MTc3N3w= ~~~
Saludos al equipo @hispaplus, los felicto por su loable labor dentro de la plataforma.