I understand your point of view, and that is why day by day professionals who have the possibility to leave these practices aside, have to do it, because it generates a great change.
One of the main reasons that led me to study biomedical engineering is the great change that can be generated in support of animals, from prostheses for them, to design equipment to analyze samples without using animals. but there is a great reality that you and I can not leave aside, that even the technology is yet to evolve and end the use of animals, for it to evolve we must force governments and private companies to invest in technology, in this way we will achieve that this ends.
For every negative there is always the positive side and humanity is finally waking up to realise this, specifically in regards to supporting animals with the us of external prothesis and such, and yes, now we need to force the govts to invest in emerging tech, but unfortunately with Big pharma constantly putting $$$$ in their back pockets, like the fossil fuel mining sector, it is going to be a battle to force them into it-whci is exactly why we do need people like you working in the industry and working on postive progression from INSIDE the industry, to people like me who create intelligent, thought provoking, investigative docuseries to educate the masses as only then, once the masses are aware and realise the change that is needed, will pressure be put on the govts and big pharma.
This is my purpose in life. Nothing else but this. https://chocolatescorpion.com/projects