Yo tenía unos 16 años cuando me vi en la necesidad de tener que elegir una carrera universitaria. Como no sabía que estudiar le pedí consejo a mi padre y el cómo era ingeniero me recomendó estudiar cualquier ingeniería. Mi mamá decía que debía estudiar algo que me gustará, como si una persona de 16 años sabe si le gusta la contaduría, la administración o la ingeniería. Y en general no sabía ni que me gustaba, o, mejor dicho, no sabía relacionar las cosas que me gustaban con alguna profesión, más cuando se parte del pensamiento de que en teoría con eso te ganarás la vida.
Recuerdo que en ese tiempo leía mucho. Era el año 2014 catorce y todos pasábamos los días encerrados en casa por las manifestaciones contra el gobierno nacional y el miedo de la represión de los cuerpos de seguridad del estado, así como las personas que aprovechaban el caos para cometer delitos. Eran tiempos salvajes, pero fueron tiempos donde los libros se volvieron mis mejores amigos.
Uno de los libros que más me gusto y que más recuerdo con cariño fue la biografía de Nelson Mandela, quien había muerto poco tiempo atrás. Él era abogado. Y aunque con su profesión llego a ayudar a muchas personas, lo cierto es que nadie nunca asocia a Nelson Mandela con el ejercicio de la abogacía. Eso me impacto bastante, me hizo pensar que una persona puede tener una carrera y aun así poder hacer y lograr una cantidad inimaginable de cosas en distintos aspectos de su vida totalmente ajenos a su profesión, lo cual, a mi versión de 16 años le encanto, debido a que sentía que no estaba tomando una decisión definitiva, sino un medio de ganarse la vida mientras hacia otras cosas que pudieran gustarme más.
Así que me decante por estudiar derecho en una universidad local, con ese pensamiento. Pero esta decisión si termino siendo de esas cosas que cambian tanto a tu persona que al mirar atrás no puedes ni reconocerte.
Antes de empezar a estudiar derecho era una persona muy insegura de sí misma. Creo que hasta ese momento siempre fui la clase de personas que se sentía más cómoda siendo espectadora y también sentía que hasta ese punto ni siquiera se me había ocurrido que yo pudiera tener un potencial.
Pero apenas empecé a estudiar derecho todo cambio. La carrera me obsesiono, me encantaba leer libros de derecho, debatir con mis profesores y otros estudiantes sobre los temas que veíamos. Cuando me di cuenta, no sentía pena ni miedo en hablar sobre lo que pensaba, las personas que estaban a mi alrededor me escuchaban atentamente. Creo que por primera vez en mi vida sentí que mi opinión era importante, o al menos así lo sentía.
También estudiar la carrera me hizo conocer a personas increíbles. Siempre me gustaron las sitcoms donde había un grupo de amigos que se reunía a conversar sobre sus vidas. Siempre he sido una persona solitaria, nunca he tenido muchos amigos, pero en la universidad logre tener un grupo de amigos que ha perdurado hasta estos días aun cuando llevo un par de años de graduado y por sobre todas las cosas siento que es lo que más agradezco de la profesión.
También me ha permitido conocer a personas que me han ayudado mucho desde el ámbito laboral. Siento que no solo he tenido jefes, sino que los jefes que he tenido han sido personas a las que les he agarrado un cariño inmenso y que me han brindado un apoyo humano en momentos en los que en serio lo necesitaba.
Han pasado casi 10 años desde que decidí estudiar derecho. En el transcurso la profesión me ha permitido ayudar a muchísimas personas siendo esta una de las principales causas por las que quería ser abogado, pero también me han hecho una persona de la cual me siento orgulloso de ver cada vez que me miro en el espejo.
Si estás leyendo esto y no sabes qué carrera escoger, solo puedo decirte que cualquiera sea la decisión que tomes, no es definitivo, una carrera no te define como persona, pero si te da la oportunidad de conocer a personas increíbles, de conocer tus límites y superarlos pese a las adversidades y a ganar una confianza en ti mismo que será el mayor éxito de la universidad, porque terminaras sacando una carrera aun cuando te sentías cansado, o cuando sentías que no entendías, cuando quisiste rendirte, pero al final, eres una persona que se puso una meta y que es capaz de cumplirla y llevarla hasta el final.
I was about 16 years old when I had to choose a university career. Since I didn't know what to study, I asked my father for advice and since he was an engineer, he recommended me to study any kind of engineering. My mom said that I should study something that I would like, as if a 16 year old person knows if he/she likes accounting, administration or engineering. And in general I didn't even know what I liked, or rather, I didn't know how to relate the things I liked with any profession, especially when you start from the thought that in theory you will earn a living with that.
I remember that at that time I read a lot. It was the year 2014 fourteen and we all spent our days locked up at home because of the demonstrations against the national government and the fear of repression by the state security forces, as well as people who took advantage of the chaos to commit crimes. Those were wild times, but they were times when books became my best friends.
One of the books that I liked the most and that I remember most fondly was the biography of Nelson Mandela, who had died a short time before. He was a lawyer. And although his profession helped many people, the truth is that no one ever associated Nelson Mandela with the practice of law. It made me think that a person can have a career and still be able to do and achieve an unimaginable amount of things in different aspects of his life totally unrelated to his profession, which my 16 year old version loved, because I felt that I was not making a final decision, but a way to earn a living while doing other things that I might like more.
So I decided to study law at a local university with that in mind. But this decision did end up being one of those things that change you so much that when you look back you can't even recognize yourself.
Before I started studying law I was a very insecure person. I think up until that point I was always the kind of person who was most comfortable being a bystander and I also felt that up until that point it hadn't even occurred to me that I might have potential.
But as soon as I started studying law everything changed. I became obsessed with the career, I loved reading law books, debating with my professors and other students about the issues we were looking at. When I realized that I was not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind, the people around me listened to me attentively. I think for the first time in my life I felt that my opinion was important, or at least I felt that way.
Also studying for the degree made me meet some amazing people. I always loved sitcoms where there was a group of friends getting together to talk about their lives. I have always been a solitary person, I have never had many friends, but in college I managed to have a group of friends that has lasted to this day even though I have been graduated for a couple of years and above all I feel that is what I am most grateful for the profession.
It has also allowed me to meet people who have helped me a lot in the work environment. I feel that I have not only had bosses, but that the bosses I have had have been people I have grown very fond of and who have given me human support at times when I really needed it.
It has been almost 10 years since I decided to study law. Along the way the profession has allowed me to help so many people being one of the main reasons why I wanted to become a lawyer, but it has also made me a person that I am proud to see every time I look in the mirror.
If you are reading this and you don't know what career to choose, I can only tell you that whatever decision you make, it is not definitive, a career does not define you as a person, but it does give you the opportunity to meet amazing people, to know your limits and overcome them despite the adversities and to gain a confidence in yourself that will be the greatest success of college, because you will end up getting a degree even when you felt tired, or when you felt you didn't understand, when you wanted to give up, but in the end, you are a person who set a goal and who is capable of accomplishing it and taking it to the end.
There's a lot of truth in what you say here. It changes you and that is good. I can tell you from experience. I like that you focus on helping others, which is a way to give back to society.
I also see you're not engaging with anyone on Hive, you're mostly dropping your posts and that's all. You haven't even replied to my last comment. Although no one can force you to reply to comments, it is a polite way and a sign of appreciation for those who took the time to read your post and write a comment. Unless you're writing for yourself, I think it's time to comment on other posts as well, as otherwise you won't get much support in here.
Thank you very much for your comment my friend. You are very right, I publish my stuff but I don't usually respond much to comments and a response is the least a person deserves who as you say takes the time to read what I write. I will take your advice and from now on I will be more attentive to this aspect and again thank you for your comment as it is an opportunity to improve. Regards
Please make it a priority as that's the right thing to do and it's going to benefit you long term.
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Thank you!Dear @kafkasaurio,May I ask you to review and support the new proposal (https://peakd.com/me/proposals/240) so I can continue to improve and maintain this service?
Yeah, sure.