A goliath in your life

in Cervantes3 months ago
Authored by @Pdc

There is no worse pain than what is bearable", because you always end up getting used to it ...


We are capable of walking bent, we are capable of sitting crooked, we are capable of ... doing everything we can to continue, of course it is bearable and we get used to it, we do not look for a way to change, to heal, to improve, how many Brothers do we ask how you are and they tell you wrong but used ...

This reminded me of Nehemiah chapter 2 verses 17 and 18 which say
17 Therefore I said to them: You see the evil in which we are, that Jerusalem is deserted, and its gates are consumed by fire; Come, and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, and let us no longer be in reproach.
18 Then I declared to them how the hand of my God had been good on me, and also the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said: Let us get up and build. Thus they strained their hands for good.

And if we start to see verse 17, He said to them "You see the evil in which we are, that Jerusalem is deserted, and its gates are consumed by fire"

How perhaps our lives can be at this time, without a horizon, without a motivation, without even knowing that this will happen and when it will end, which produces in us more anxiety and insecurity and causes a habit that we find it hard to believe that one day we will to be better and it will always be the same ...

And a Nehemiah comes and tells you Come on, get up, let's start building a vast new life of feeling finished, no longer be in disgrace, in that shame and disgrace, feelings that are generated when one believes that he has tried everything and nothing has It went well and as we said it will always be the same.

He tells you, let's not settle for defeat, break with that habit, Plant yourself and build a better life, with goals, with objectives, with life projects and as verse 18 says, He himself declared how he could achieve everything taken from the hand of Our beloved God since as the Word says "For those who believe everything is possible" and He believed our God ...

And if we start now, if we stand up now, if we dare to see our future differently, we go hand in hand, that we cannot achieve ... Think about it, GET UP ...