Desde aquel instante sutil que nos miramos supimos que nos amaríamos toda la vida, el mundo a muestro alrededor se detuvo solo para ser testigos de lo que vendría.

TE AMO, Tú belleza engalana mí día y enriquece mi vida, ¡TE AMO! De tal forma que supera mi propio ser y me desprendo de toda postura, dudas y aciertos los arrojo al azar de la vida solo para que estés en la mía.

ME AMAS, aún cuando no quieres amarme, por el capricho de mis errores que se empeñan en herirte. Me castigo por ser tan torpe de no comprender cual es la forma correcta de amarte, aún así me miras con tus heridas abiertas y me ofreces una sonrisa sin que de tus labios salga queja alguna, pues ya tu has entendido que el amor es así, perdonamos a quien en verdad amas.
A tu lado me has enseñado, el amor, el perdón, la amistad, el respeto, la educación. Me has impulsado a no ser esclavo de mis temores, ser el dueño mis sueños y ser cada día mejor. Tus abrazos son tan cálidos que quisiera vivir eternamente en ellos. Me siento protegido a tu lado y a la vez vulnerable.
Se que todos quieren estar a tú lado por tú sonrisa qué a todos apacigua, ésa personalidad qué hechiza. Algunos te recordarán por tú rostro, otros por tu nombré, pero yo simplemente te recordaré por.


From that subtle moment when we looked at each other we knew we would love each other all our lives, the world around us stopped just to witness what was to come.

I LOVE YOU, Your beauty graces my day and enriches my life, I LOVE YOU! In such a way that surpasses my own self and I let go of all posture, doubts and successes, I throw them to the randomness of life just for you to be in mine, you are in mine.

YOU LOVE ME, even when you don't want to love me, because of the whim of my mistakes they insist on erasing you and I punish myself for being so clumsy for not understanding which is the right way to love you, and yet you look at me with your erid abrietas and offer me a smile without any complaint from your lips, because you have already understood that love is like that, we forgive the one you really love.
At your side you have taught me love, forgiveness, friendship, respect, education. You have encouraged me not to be a slave of my fears, to be the owner of my dreams and to be better every day. Your embraces are so warm that I would like to live in them forever. I feel protected by your side and at the same time vulnerable.
I know that everyone wants to be by your side because of your smile that soothes everyone, that personality that enchants. Some will remember you by your face, others by your name, but I will simply remember you by.

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