manuelsierra cross-posted this post in Cervantes 3 years ago

ESP/ENG. Visitando el pueblo de Encontrados tierra, del relampago del catatumbo, Visiting the town of Found land, from the catatumbo lightning.

in GEMS3 years ago

Saludos amigos de Hive.

Hola a todos amigos es un gusto inmenso poder compartir una nueva publicación mas con ustedes, días atrás mi esposa y yo estábamos pensando comprar algunas cosas para la casa y también la ropa de nuestro hijo ya que estamos en tiempo de navidad, dando vueltas en las tiendas aquí en Santa Barbara de Zulia, mi pueblo querido de donde soy y vivo, estuvimos observando precios y calidad para ver donde salia mas economico comprar, (pues yo soy de los que le gusta caminar y comparar precios y no comprar a la ligera) vimos algunos precios buenos, otros no tanto, pero yo tenia otra idea en mi mente dando vueltas desde hacia rato y ya les digo que.

Hello to all friends, it is an immense pleasure to be able to share another new publication with you, days ago my wife and I were thinking of buying some things for the house and also our son's clothes since we are at Christmas time, going around in the shops here in Santa Barbara de Zulia, my beloved town where I am and live, we were observing prices and quality to see where it would be cheaper to buy, (because I am one of those who likes to walk and compare prices and not buy lightly) We saw some good prices, others not so much, but I had another idea in my mind going around for a long time and I already tell you that.

Resulta que hace algunos años atrás antes de que comenzara la pandemia, nos habían dicho que en Encontrados, tierra del Relámpago del Catatumbo, un pueblo cercano a unos 30-40 minutos en carro, los dias viernes hacen un mercado llamado las pulgas donde los precios eran bastante buenos y que salían casi a precio de como se compra en el Puerto Santander, Colombia, donde tambien esta como a 2,30 horas de aqui, yo me acorde de esa vez que fuimos hasta alla y que efectivamente los precios eran mucho mejor comparados con los de aqui y convide a mi esposa de nuevo fueramos y ella me dijo que si.

It turns out that a few years ago before the pandemic began, they had told us that in the town of ENCONTRADOS, land of the Lightning of Catatumbo, a nearby town about 30-40 minutes by car, on Fridays they hold a market called las fleas where the prices were quite good and they came out almost at the price of how you buy in Puerto Santander, Colombia, where it is also about 2.30 hours from here, I remembered that time we went there and that indeed the prices They were much better compared to those here and I invited my wife to go again and she said yes.

El día jueves estábamos organizando todo para salir el viernes pues decidimos irnos en moto para así poder ahorrarnos el pasaje y poder tener facilidad de recorrer todo el centro y el mercado y tambien decidimos llevar a nuetro hijo con nosotros para que conociera y tuviera una nueva experiencia junto a sus padres.

On Thursday we were organizing everything to go out on Friday because we decided to go on a motorcycle so that we could save the passage and be able to have ease of touring the entire center and the market and we also decided to take our son with us so that he could meet and have a new experience together with his parents.

Aquí vamos./Here we go.





En el mercado./In the market.





Ni mi esposa ni yo nos hemos vacunado contra el covid-19 y casualidad de la vida ese día estaban vacunando, pero nos hicimos los locos, pues no estamos confiados realmente, mi hijo fue quien se dio cuenta y me dio risa por que el asustado era el.

Neither my wife nor I have been vaccinated against covid-19 and by chance of life that day they were vaccinating, but we were crazy, because we are not really confident, my son was the one who noticed and made me laugh because he was scared It was him.

Luego mi esposa se enamoro de unas sandalias y nos toco esperar hasta que por fin las compro, no se que era peor si la vacuna o esperarla a ella.jaja.

Then my wife fell in love with some sandals and we had to wait until I finally bought them, I don't know which was worse if the vaccine or waiting for her. Haha.


Ya antes de regresar llevamos al niño a un lugar histórico y cultural en ese pueblo, la plaza del ferrocarril, a mi hijo le encanto montarse en ese tren.

Before returning we took the child to a historical and cultural place in that town, the railway square, my son loved riding on that train.








De regreso a casa nos detuvo la policia. / On the way home the police stopped us/


Gracias a Dios pudimos llegar con bien a nuestra casa nuevamente, acalorados y cansados pero fue una experiencia distinta y bonita y lo mas importante con mi familia.

Thank God we were able to get home safely again, hot and tired but it was a different and beautiful experience and most importantly with my family.

Bien amigos esto ha sido todo por hoy espero les guste mi relato, Dios les bendiga, y hasta la proxima.

Well friends this has been everything for today I hope you like my story, God bless you, and until next time.

Traductor de google, fotos de mi propiedad tomadas desde un Samsung j2 pro. @manuelsierra