Tener mejores amigos es una gran fortuna
Having best friends is a great fortune
Four (4) years ago my best friend and I said goodbye because our lives took different directions. It was a difficult situation for both of us, because we had around 15 years living together every day and sharing every situation we experienced. We told each other what happened to us at work every day, we knew in detail how our romantic relationships were going, we advised each other to make the right decisions but the time came when his life and his family needed to take another direction, and that was far from Venezuela.
Como siempre, no dudé en apoyarla. Junto a su esposo y su hijo, que es mi ahijado, partieron a Chile y aunque nuestra comunicación es constante, a pesar de nuestras ocupaciones y responsabilidades, necesitábamos y pedíamos a gritos reencontrarnos.
As always, I did not hesitate to support her. Together with her husband and her son, who is my godson, they left for Chile and although our communication is constant, despite our occupations and responsibilities, we needed and cried out to meet again.
La circunstancia fue atropellada, intempestiva y por demás dolorosa. Su mamá hizo un viaje y en el trayecto se contagió del virus maligno por lo que mi amiga debió trasladarse de Chile a Colombia cuando el diagnóstico empezó a complicarse. De manera virtual estuvimos unidas, de acuerdo a nuestra fe y religión, durante esos largos 28 días en que su mamita luchaba por sobrevivir pero no fue así. En ese momento nuestros mundos se derrumbaban, el dolor se hacía presente y nuestras ganas de abrazarnos para alimentar nuestras almas de buena energía revoloteaban en nuestras mentes.
The circumstance was run over, untimely and extremely painful. Her mother made a trip and on the way she caught the malignant virus so my friend had to move from Chile to Colombia when the diagnosis began to get complicated. We were virtually united, according to our faith and religion, during those long 28 days when her mother struggled to survive but it was not like that. At that moment our worlds were collapsing, the pain was present and our desire to hug each other to feed our souls with good energy fluttered in our minds.
Ella debió viajar en compañía de su familia (y con su otro bebé en el vientre) hasta Caracas, a donde traerían el cuerpo de su mami para darle sepultura; y allí estuve esperándola hasta fundirnos en un abrazo en el que por segunda vez nuestro dolor era uno solo. Su llanto de desahogo en mi hombro, así como hace 17 años mis lágrimas caían sobre ella, era la muestra de amistad más genuina en ese momento en que toda palabra sobraba.
She had to travel in the company of her family (and with her other baby in her womb) to Caracas, where they would bring her mother's body to bury her; and there I was waiting for her until we melted into an embrace in which for the second time our pain was one. Her cry of relief on my shoulder, just as my tears fell on her 17 years ago, it was the most genuine sign of friendship at that moment when all words were superfluous.
Fueron días de tristeza y desasosiego pero a la vez de consuelo, de amor profundo, de renovación y recarga de una amistad que se sostiene y se profundiza con el pasar de los años, por eso la amistad verdadera debe conectarnos más allá de la vida misma con esa familia que no te corre por las venas pero que elegimos de manera consciente cada día de nuestro transitar por este plano terrenal.
They were days of sadness and restlessness but at the same time of consolation, of deep love, of renewal and recharge of a friendship that is sustained and deepened with the passing of the years, that is why true friendship must connect us beyond life itself. with that family that does not run through your veins but that we consciously choose each day of our journey through this earthly plane.
Ella es parte de mi fortuna
She is part of my fortune