Saludos comunidad de Hive, finalizado Julio he cumplido un mes desde mi jubilación o retiro formal de mis labores en industria petrolera, hace años cuando joven recuerdo haber oído lo difícil que era para las personas enfrentar esta nueva etapa de su vida, es lógico que afecte pues tener tantos años en una rutina y no haberse preparado para emprender otras actividades que copen el tiempo libre que ahora tienes, te deja como en el aire y desconcertado, ya lo decía el sabio griego Aristóteles Que “el hombre es un animal de costumbres”.
Greetings Hive community, at the end of July I have completed one month since my retirement or formal retirement from my work in the oil industry, years ago when I was young I remember hearing how difficult it was for people to face this new stage of their lives, it is logical that it affects because having so many years in a routine and not having prepared to undertake other activities that fill the free time you now have, leaves you as in the air and bewildered, as the wise Greek Aristotle said that "man is an animal of habit".
I wanted to share through this post some things that I consider important, especially for people who are retiring or retiring from work, although I am clear that in Hive the vast majority are young people, but surely some will have relatives who have been or are in that process. I want to tell my experience, I start telling you that the Hive platform, since I joined it more than a year ago I visualized it as a support to my process of adaptation to my life as a retiree, because it plays a very important role because it allows me to stay active mentally and intellectually, in it I learn from many people reading their posts, when I publish it is common that I research online, so although my material compensations have not been good since I participate in it, its immaterial contribution in my daily life compensates me. In addition to Hive I have about three years working on other platforms through the internet. In short, I have not stopped being active.

Another factor that in my case helped me to receive this new stage of my life with a different mentality and positive expectations has been the pandemic. Yes, because with all the negative things that its appearance meant, it forced many of us to stay and work from home, it was a forced stoppage in which we learned to detach ourselves from our routine activities and invent ways to cope with them, we learned to occupy ourselves and although I had already been doing it, it was strengthened even more. In terms of physical activity I have also been active, I resumed my spinal exercises because I have some hernias and physical exercise helps me. Maybe some of you have seen my posts where I show how I repair my bike and my car, things that I used to pay to be repaired I repair them myself, of course the complex ones require experts and workshops.

En fin, esta etapa de transición que comenzó en mi vida, la estoy asumiendo como un ciclo más. Creo que la clave está en sentirse productivo, en ocuparse y no pensar que porque ya tienes una asignación de dinero de por vida, que por cierto no es suficiente, vas a asumir una actitud pasiva ante la vida y terminas como un trasto viejo e inútil. No, cada etapa de la vida tiene su encanto, podemos y debemos continuar produciendo, recordemos que la experiencia hace la diferencia, siempre habrá motivos para iniciar nuevos proyectos, trazarse nuevas metas y objetivos, que nos motiven y generen esa energía ego-envolvente, que cada día nos impulsa a seguir y hasta contagiar a con nuestra energía aquellos que lo requieran, a eso es lo yo llamo “sentirse vivo y dispuesto para cualquier vaina”. Saludos y el universo continúe conspirando a nuestro favor.

Traducción realizada a través de https://www.deepl.com/es/translator. Translation made through https://www.deepl.com/es/translator.
Fotografias tomadas con mi teléfono Samsung A03 / Pictures taken with my Samsung A03 phone /
Todo lo que publico es de mi autoría, si se cita o hace referencia a otro autor o persona se indica la fuente. / Everything I public in my posts is of my authorship, if another author or person is quoted or referred to, the source is indicated.
Gracias por tu visita, te espero para que leas mi próxima publicación / Thank you for your visit, I look forward to your reading my next post.

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