Mística conjunción /// Mystical conjunction

in Cervantes3 years ago



Haz detonar tu aullido criatura de la noche

hazlo detonar

porque la luna quiere perder su envoltura

y ser la incógnita que sostiene tu envergadura

Ella quiere excitar los pasadizos de tus ojos

esas diademas del misterio

Ella quiere tu arsenal

Tu mística

y tu indescifrable jauría de prodigios

Detona tu aullido ya empuñadura de la noche

y desgarra la placenta sobrenatural con tu bello hechizo

(Orlando Medina)


Detonate your howl creature of the night

detonate it

because the moon wants to lose its envelope

and be the unknown that sustains your size

She wants to excite the passageways of your eyes

those mystery headbands

She wants your arsenal

your mystique

and your indecipherable pack of wonders

She detonates your howl ya grip of the night

and tear the supernatural afterbirth with your beautiful spell

(Orlando Medina)




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