Hola, amigos, a partir de hoy comenzaré a interactuar con ustedes con el usuario @oriagny. Mi nombre es Zuleima Gelder, vivo en Valencia, estado Carabobo, Venezuela. De esta red me habló mi amiga @seijakugabhy, la fotógrafa. Tengo muchas cosas que deseo compartir, sobre todo cosas que tengan qué ver con jardinería pues me fascinan las flores.
Hello friends, starting today I will start interacting with you with the user @oriagny. My name is Zuleima Gelder, I live in Valencia, Carabobo state, Venezuela. My friend @seijakugabhy, the photographer, told me about this network. I have many things that I want to share, especially things that have to do with gardening because I am fascinated by flowers.

Ella es Michi, mi gatita, debido a la mancha que tiene en la cara la gente le dice "Bigote"y me preguntan "¿Bigote es suya?" y hacen siempre comentarios graciosos acerca de su parecido con el actual presidente de la república.
It is Michi, my kitten, because of the spot on her face people call her "Mustache" and they ask me "Is Mustache yours?" and they always make funny comments about its resemblance to the current president of the republic.

Acá les comparto algunas fotos de flores...en materos... llevan su tiempo de dedicación, pero bien vale la pena porque una casa sin plantas se ve desnuda, y si se tienen plantas que además tienen flores...es la mejor decoración que se puede tener.
Here I share some photos of flowers...in pots...they take time to dedicate, but it is well worth it because a house without plants looks bare, and if you have plants that also have flowers...it is the best decoration that can be had.
Espero aprender muchas cosas en esta red y hacer amigos de todas partes del mundo.
I hope to learn many things in this network and make friends from all over the world.
Bienvenida, espero poder leer pronto tus publicaciones, deseo el mayor de los exitos para ti..
Muchas gracias por la bienvenida, @leonmaster, y por todos esos buenos deseos.
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝Welcome to Hive @oriagny! 😃 Michi is so cute with that mustache pattern 😄 Hope you find it to be an enjoyable journey into the communities here, warm greetings from @dbuzz, cheers! 🍾
Hi, @ilovewintergem, thanks for you welcome. Yes, I think the same: Michi is so cute. This is my post of introduction, I don't understand, must I write another post of introduction for the community of D.Buzz? And...Where have I to hang it?