Hola gente de la comunidad, hoy quise compartir mi primer poema en Hive con ustedes, espero que les guste.
Hello people in the community, today I wanted to share my first poem on Hive with you, I hope you like it.
Cuando te vi en la distancia solo quise acercarme,
Los ojos poder mirarte, era de gran importancia.
Me encontré con tu fragancia, suave dulce y excitante,
Y alcancé a detallarte, oculto en tu indiferencia.
Muy hermosa te veía, refinada y muy galante,
Como no soy elegante, solamente me escondía.
Me decía la conciencia: “Debes ir a presentarte”,
Pero yo soy un cobarde, graduado y con experiencia.
Mi corazón alto decía: “ha venido a secuestrarme,
No podría resistirme, voy con la desconocida”.
When I saw you in the distance I just wanted to get closer,
The eyes being able to look at you was of great importance.
I found your fragrance, soft sweet and exciting,
And I managed to detail you, hidden in your indifference.
I saw you very beautiful, refined and very gallant,
Since I am not elegant, I was just hiding.
My conscience told me: "You must go and present yourself",
But I am a coward, graduate and experienced.
My high heart said: "He has come to kidnap me,
I couldn't resist, I'm going with the stranger ”.
Cuando al fin nos conocimos, muy amable te portaste,
Nos hicimos muy amigos, y empecé a ilusionarme.
Comencé a soñar contigo, y de día a pensarte,
Imaginando en el destino, estar juntos para amarte.
Un amigo a mí me dijo: “te aconsejo declararte”,
Pero entonces tengo miedo, de que vayas a asustarte.
Por ahora me conformo, al mirarte sonriente,
Pensando en lo secreto, que me amas hasta la muerte.
Mientras tanto estoy contento, cuando puedo alégrate,
Esperando el momento, de poder enamorarte.
When we finally met, you were very kind,
We became very close friends, and I started to get excited.
I began to dream of you, and by day to think of you,
Imagining in destiny, being together to love you.
A friend told me: "I advise you to declare yourself".
But then I am afraid, that you are going to scare you.
For now I am satisfied, when I look at you smiling,
Thinking about the secret, that you love me to death.
Meanwhile I am happy, when I can rejoice,
Waiting for the moment, to be able to fall in love.
Cuando me puse a meditar, pensé en estar juntos un día,
Y que al tiempo pasar, la rutina llegaría.
Empezaríamos a pelear, y esa idea me dolía,
Y sin poderlo evitar, llenos de monotonía.
Comenzando a llorar, recordé que no eras mía,
Y me volví a alegrar, porque eso no sucedería.
No te quiero dejar de amar, viviendo en mi fantasía,
Y mi esperanza alimentar, que me amaras algún día.
Sin nada nuevo intentar, para no dañar la alegría,
Y poderte disfrutar, aunque sea como amiga.
When I began to meditate, I thought about being together one day,
And that as time passed, the routine would arrive.
We would start to fight, and that idea hurt me,
And without being able to avoid it, full of monotony.
Starting to cry, I remembered that you weren't mine
And I was glad again, because that would not happen.
I don't want to stop loving you, living in my fantasy,
And my hope to feed, that you will love me one day.
Trying nothing new, so as not to damage the joy,
And being able to enjoy yourself, even as a friend.I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I'M AFRAID TO HAVE YOU.
Thanks for reading this poem. And if you liked it, let me know. Soon I will continue to publish material like this.
Todas las traducciones fueron realizadas con Google Translate.
All translations were done with Google Translate.