Esta pequeña florecita, conocida por acá como campanita o campanilla, mismo nombre de la planta, es una belleza en miniatura, un pequeño trozo de lindura que embellece y alegra el entorno donde sea que se halle.
Como en otras publicaciones les he contado, tengo una pequeña vecina, es una muy inteligente niña de unos nueve años que ama la naturaleza tanto como yo. Cuabdo mi querida muchachita viene a casa, ilumina todo con sus risas y ocurrencias. Hace días vino para decirme que tenía serias sospechas de algo, así que, como acostumbra cuando quiere mostrarme alguna cosa que le inquieta, tomó mi mano y me llevó hasta el jardín, y ahí, frente a las campanitas, las pequeñas flores rojas, me dijo: "creo que estas pequeñitas son familia de Campanita, el hada amiga de Peter Pan, ya sabes, como vienen de un mundo mágico, se convierten en flores para poner más lindo nuestro querido jardín, todos sabemos que así son los mundos mágicos", la cargué, "no lo había pensado", le dije y la llevé a la cocina donde le esperaba su helado favorito. Mientras caminaba con mi qurida niña en brazos, inevitablemente en mi mente se formaba aquel maravilloso mágico mundo, en otro mundo, el de mis sueños despierta.
Les dejo con algunas imágenes de estas lindas flores.
Como en otras publicaciones les he contado, tengo una pequeña vecina, es una muy inteligente niña de unos nueve años que ama la naturaleza tanto como yo. Cuabdo mi querida muchachita viene a casa, ilumina todo con sus risas y ocurrencias. Hace días vino para decirme que tenía serias sospechas de algo, así que, como acostumbra cuando quiere mostrarme alguna cosa que le inquieta, tomó mi mano y me llevó hasta el jardín, y ahí, frente a las campanitas, las pequeñas flores rojas, me dijo: "creo que estas pequeñitas son familia de Campanita, el hada amiga de Peter Pan, ya sabes, como vienen de un mundo mágico, se convierten en flores para poner más lindo nuestro querido jardín, todos sabemos que así son los mundos mágicos", la cargué, "no lo había pensado", le dije y la llevé a la cocina donde le esperaba su helado favorito. Mientras caminaba con mi qurida niña en brazos, inevitablemente en mi mente se formaba aquel maravilloso mágico mundo, en otro mundo, el de mis sueños despierta.
Les dejo con algunas imágenes de estas lindas flores.
This little flower, known here as campanita or campanilla (Tinkerbell), the same name of the plant, is a miniature beauty, a small piece of beauty that beautifies and brightens the environment where it is.
As I have told you in other publications, I have a little neighbor, she is a very intelligent girl of about nine years old who loves nature as much as I do. When my dear little girl comes home, she brightens up everything with her laughter and witticisms. Days ago she came to tell me that she had serious suspicions about something, so, as she usually does when she wants to show me something that worries her, she took my hand and led me to the garden, and there, in front of the little bells, the little red flowers, she said to me: "I think these little ones are family of Tinkerbell, Peter Pan's fairy friend, you know, as they come from a magical world, they become flowers to make our dear garden prettier, we all know that's how magical worlds are", I carried her, "I hadn't thought about it", I told her and took her to the kitchen where her favorite ice cream was waiting for her. As I walked with my beloved little girl in my arms, inevitably in my mind that wonderful magical world formed,in another world, the world of my waking dreams.
I leave you with some images of these beautiful flowers.
As I have told you in other publications, I have a little neighbor, she is a very intelligent girl of about nine years old who loves nature as much as I do. When my dear little girl comes home, she brightens up everything with her laughter and witticisms. Days ago she came to tell me that she had serious suspicions about something, so, as she usually does when she wants to show me something that worries her, she took my hand and led me to the garden, and there, in front of the little bells, the little red flowers, she said to me: "I think these little ones are family of Tinkerbell, Peter Pan's fairy friend, you know, as they come from a magical world, they become flowers to make our dear garden prettier, we all know that's how magical worlds are", I carried her, "I hadn't thought about it", I told her and took her to the kitchen where her favorite ice cream was waiting for her. As I walked with my beloved little girl in my arms, inevitably in my mind that wonderful magical world formed,in another world, the world of my waking dreams.
I leave you with some images of these beautiful flowers.

Deseándoles,exitosos proyectos, por hora les dejo, fue un placer, gracias por su tiempo.
Wishing you, successful projects, for the time being I leave you, it was a pleasure, thank you for your time.

The innocence of children is something so precious, it should always be appreciated and cared for, your little neighbor is still a sweet little girl, very innocent, and she also knows how to appreciate nature and has a great imagination. This writing is of a unique delicacy and beauty, it is really something as beautiful as these flowers. Beautiful photographs. Greetings.
Thank you very much, friend, I am very sorry to respond after so long your beautiful comment that I appreciate so much. A hug.
Altamente agradecida, aprecio mucho su apoyo. Lamento responder tan tarde. Mil gracias de nuevo, un saludo.