¡Hola amigos de Hive!
Me presento, soy Yorman Bello (YBR) quiero contarles a detalle cada uno de mis pasos en la música y mis diferentes facetas dentro de esta maravillosa carrera que ha llenado mi vida de momentos de extrema felicidad y dolores, aunque siempre se puede hacer más, así es como yo me he paseado en estos primeros 27 años de vida.
Les contaré sobre mi primer amor, el Violín:
Además de la práctica orquestal dada en el Núcleo Montalbán (donde me formé), hay una institución encargada para el desarrollo musical a nivel individual como lo es el Conservatorio de Música Simón Bolívar, donde audicioné para una plaza junto a varios amigos violinistas que concursaban tambien por un cupo.
En este mismo año tuve la oportunidad para entrar a la academia latinoamericana del violín para recibir clases con la maestra Mercedes Salazar, estando 3 años recibiendo clases y siendo escogido entre sus alumnos para ir al curso de verano que realizaban en Mérida – Venezuela con los mejores maestros del violín de la academia, durante un mes completo lleno de mucho estudio, dedicación y aprendizaje.
En busca de nuevos objetivos y rumbos, abrieron audiciones para entrar a la orquesta Juvenil del Conservatorio Simón Bolívar, donde me preparé para participar y entrar a la orquesta.
En la orquesta del conservatorio tuve la oportunidad de comenzar un trabajo adicional como preparador, donde aprendí a trabajar las cuerdas en general para las diferentes obras, cosa que hizo despertar una chispa por el aprendizaje del trabajo de un director de orquestas. Estuve como preparador en diferentes núcleos y orquestas infantiles y juveniles en Venezuela como en los estados La Guaira y Barinas.
En la actualidad soy integrante de la orquesta Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho en la fila de violin 2, una maravillosa orquesta que está realizando proyectos muy interesantes y que pronto sabrán de los mismos.
Violín popular:
Siempre me ha gustado la música en cualquiera de sus ramas y jugar con mi instrumento imitando sonidos, melodías de otros instrumentos y voces.
En el conservatorio de música Simón Bolívar comenzaron a formarse distintos proyectos populares como big band jazz, orquesta latino-caribeña, y la orquesta de Rock sinfónico Simón Bolívar, esta última donde fui llamado para participar en un concierto tributo a Queen como invitado, pero al tiempo quedándome en la agrupación haciendo diferentes tributos a grandes bandas emblemáticas del rock como The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, Rock Venezolano, entre otros.
Luego de eso me invitaron a conciertos y grabaciones de discos de las agrupaciones como la orquesta latino caribeña Simón Bolívar (quienes hicieron un gran álbum con artistas de la talla de Rubén Blades, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Oscar D León y una cantidad de músicos increíbles), Big band jazz Simón Bolívar, entre otras.
Hoy en día existe la agrupación Euforia Rock Sinfónico donde soy concertino, y hemos hecho grandes conciertos tributo a Queen y Metálica, ambos a casa llena con diferentes fechas conciertos en la sala Ríos Reyna del Teatro Teresa Carreño. Sin duda el teatro más importante de Venezuela.
Dirección orquestal:
La curiosidad de trabajar como preparador con jóvenes de las orquestas juveniles y de mi orquesta donde era concertino me llevo a que el director de la orquesta del Conservatorio Simón Bolívar quien también era mi maestro en violín solista, Eddy Marcano, me preparara para entrar en la carrera como director de orquesta.
En los últimos tiempos de ser director de la orquesta en el sistema participamos en diferentes conciertos en unión con otras orquestas juveniles a nivel metropolitano, un gran recurso que se emplea en el sistema infantiles y juveniles de Venezuela para integrar a los jóvenes músicos con otros compañeros y crear un ambiente familiar y de alto nivel con obras exigentes. Entre esos encuentros metropolitanos participábamos en la dirección diferentes jóvenes directores para hacer estas obras y aprendiendo de los maestros directores quienes nos preparaban para realizar estos conciertos con los muchachos de gran manera.
Con esta agrupación al mando durante 3 años me enseñó a entrar en un universo distinto al que venía haciendo como director de orquesta, ya que comienzo a expandir conocimientos, haciendo arreglos musicales, transcripciones y el desarrollo auditivo en armonía, además de conocer más a fondo el género musical al que empleábamos, lo cual agradezco mucho para lo que me ha servido en el presente con otras funciones.
Canto y composición:
La música es mi pasión y de manera autodidacta he aprendido a tocar otros instrumentos como el teclado, el cuatro venezolano y la percusión latina de forma aficionada. El aprender estos instrumentos armónicos me dio el interés de escribir canciones e interpretarlas. Junto a otros amigos y colegas músicos en manera de iniciar un proyecto original que mezclara las influencias de cada uno y teniendo una agrupación interesante que nos ayudara a seguir creciendo como músicos multifacéticos, decidimos hacer nacer la banda Isla Cocoa, una agrupación de pop caribeño fusión (reggae, funk, rock, merengue, cumbia, dembow, etc.), donde ya cuenta con varias grabaciones de estudio y que nos preparamos para un lanzamiento de nuestro primer EP para el 2022.
Al principio era de manera aficionada para el disfrute de nosotros de tocar música de bandas y artistas que nos gustaban pero se transformó en un proyecto serio y buscamos llevarlo lejos de manera profesional y donde nos sentimos muy contentos de hacerlo ya que hemos aprendido muchas cosas a nivel de la industria musical y de nuevas cosas.
Hoy en día aplico cada una de las facetas que he recibido en el camino que he tomado y lo realizo con distintas agrupaciones y orquestas. Soy violinista en la Sinfónica Ayacucho y de Euforia Rock Sinfónico, soy director musical de la Camerata NR de caracas y soy vocalista de la banda Isla Cocoa donde interpreto mis composiciones.
A la espera de lo que se me avecine en el futuro. Allá nos veremos con mucho amor, disciplina y animo porque soy de los que piensa que mientras quieras hacer cosas que te llenen como ser humano es la manera más significativa de representar la vida.
Hello Hive friends!
I introduce myself, I am Yorman Bello (YBR), I want to tell you in detail each of my steps in music and my different facets within this wonderful career that has filled my life with extreme moments of happiness and pain, although more can always be done. This is how I have walked in these first 27 years of life.
I will tell you about my first love, the Violin:
I was formed by the orchestras system of Venezuela, beginning at 6 years of age in musical initiation (year 2000). Then I went through different stages and orchestras such as the Montalbán pre-children's orchestra, the Montalbán children's orchestra and the Caracas children's orchestra, where each one of them gave me a wonderful learning with great teachers and teachers, who year after year were in charge of developing the musical level, achieving great goals with each child belonging to it. In addition to the orchestral practice given in the Montalbán Nucleus (where I was trained), there is an institution in charge of musical development at an individual level such as the Simón Bolívar Music Conservatory, where I added for a square with several violinist friends who also participated. for a quota. When giving the results, I was selected to study at the age of 14 with the teachers Miguel Ravago for 4 years and with the teacher Eddy Marcano in a more advanced way for 3 years.
For the year 2010 I was nominated and selected to participate in the Venezuelan children's symphony orchestra directed by maestro Sir Simon Rattle (at that time, principal conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic), also auditioning among more than 300 children and young people at the metropolitan level. In this same year I had the opportunity to enter the Latin American violin academy to receive classes with the teacher Mercedes Salazar, having been receiving classes for 3 years and being chosen among her students to go to the summer course that they carried out in Mérida - Venezuela with the best violin teachers from the academy, for a full month filled with much study, dedication and learning.
In search of new objectives and directions, they opened auditions to enter the Youth Orchestra of the Simón Bolívar Conservatory, where I prepared to participate and enter the orchestra. When giving the results he had been in the quality of Concertino. In this orchestra I was as concertmaster for 5 years in which I had the opportunity to play as a soloist, participate as a guest in the main professional orchestras such as the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra, Teresa Carreño Symphony Orchestra, Venezuela Symphony Orchestra, even being selected in the orchestra 40th anniversary of the Venezuelan orchestra system where more than 1000 musicians participated among the different orchestras of this wonderful project. In the conservatory orchestra I had the opportunity to start an additional job as a trainer, where I learned to work the strings in general for the different works, which sparked a spark by learning the work of a conductor. I was as a coach in different nuclei and children's and youth orchestras in Venezuela as in the states of La Guaira and Barinas.
At present I am a member of the Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho orchestra in violin row 2, a wonderful orchestra that is doing very interesting projects and that you will hear about them soon.
Popular Violin:
I have always liked music in any of its branches and playing with my instrument imitating sounds, melodies of other instruments and voices. At the Simón Bolívar music conservatory, different popular projects began to form such as big band jazz, Latin-Caribbean orchestra, and the Simón Bolívar Symphonic Rock Orchestra, the latter where I was called to participate in a tribute concert to Queen as a guest, but at the time staying in the group doing different tributes to great emblematic rock bands such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, Venezuelan Rock, among others. After that they invited me to concerts and recordings of albums by groups such as the Simón Bolívar Latin Caribbean orchestra (who made a great album with artists such as Rubén Blades, Gilberto Santa Rosa, Oscar D León and a number of incredible musicians) , Big band jazz Simón Bolívar, among others.
Participations with Venezuelan bands and artists such as Calle Santiago, La Fleur, Sibelius, Bongoyeyo in the 2014 Pepsi music awards, rock and MAU with artists such as Desorden Publico, Caramelos de Cianuro, Malanga, Vinylversus, Rawayana, among others.
Nowadays there is the Euforia Rock Sinfónico group where I am a concertmaster, and we have done great tribute concerts to Queen and Metálica, both at full house with different concert dates in the Ríos Reyna room of the Teresa Carreño Theater. Without a doubt the most important theater in Venezuela.
Orchestral direction:
The curiosity of working as a coach with young people from the youth orchestras and from my orchestra where I was concertmaster led me to the director of the orchestra of the Simón Bolívar Conservatory, who was also my solo violin teacher, Eddy Marcano, to prepare me to enter the conducting career. For three years I was studying with the teacher in the orchestra of the Simón Bolívar conservatory until I became the assistant director of the same. In 2016, due to the recommendations of maestro Eddy Marcano, as he resigned from the position due to international commitments, I was appointed Principal Director of the Youth Orchestra of the Simón Bolívar Conservatory, doing different concerts with works such as Shostakovich's Symphony No. Mahler, Tchaikovsky Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, Vieuxtemps Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 5, Beethoven Symphony No. 5, etc. The vast majority in the Simón Bolívar room at the Centro de Acción Social para la Música, one of the most important rooms in my country.
In recent times of being the conductor of the orchestra in the system, we participated in different concerts in conjunction with other youth orchestras at the metropolitan level, a great resource that is used in the Venezuelan children's and youth system to integrate young musicians with other colleagues. and create a family atmosphere and high level with demanding works. Between those metropolitan encounters we participated in the direction different young conductors to make these works and learning from the master conductors who prepared us to perform these concerts with the boys in a great way.
In the popular sphere I was as musical director with the Simón Bolívar Latin Classical Orchestra, a large group that managed to unite classical music instruments (violin, viola, cello, clarinet, flute) based on the Latin Caribbean genre (congas, timpani, bass, keyboards, güiro), a chorus of voices and main singers giving the touch to a dance group. With this group we made different tributes to great groups such as the Orquesta Aragón, La Lupe, Héctor Lavoe, Oscar D León, among others, and having successful concerts with artists like Marcial Isturiz. Managing to fill different cultural spaces and halls in Caracas such as the José Félix Rivas room of the Teresa Carreño theater, the Fedora Aleman room of the Social Action Center of the Orchestra System, and many open spaces where the public was filled with a lot of energy and dance.
With this group in charge for 3 years he taught me to enter a different universe than the one I had been doing as an orchestra conductor, since I began to expand my knowledge, making musical arrangements, transcriptions and hearing development in harmony, as well as knowing more in depth the musical genre we used, which I am very grateful for what it has served me for in the present with other functions.
Song and composition:
Music is my passion and in a self-taught way I have learned to play other instruments such as the keyboard, the Venezuelan cuatro and the Latin percussion in an amateur way. Learning these harmonic instruments gave me an interest in writing songs and performing them. Together with other friends and fellow musicians in order to start an original project that mixed the influences of each one and having an interesting group that would help us continue to grow as multifaceted musicians, we decided to create the Isla Cocoa band, a Caribbean pop fusion group. (reggae, funk, rock, merengue, cumbia, dembow, etc.), where he already has several studio recordings and that we are preparing for a release of our first EP for 2022. At first it was in an amateur way for the enjoyment of us to play music by bands and artists that we liked but it became a serious project and we seek to take it far in a professional way and where we feel very happy to do so since we have learned many things at the level of the music industry and new things. I really enjoy this project that today has a special value in my life since it is new for me, a musical challenge and I hope to continue having more adventures in this beautiful career as a musician.
Today I apply each of the facets that I have received on the path that I have taken and I do it with different groups and orchestras. I am a violinist in the Ayacucho Symphony and Euforia Rock Sinfónico, I am the musical director of the Camerata NR in Caracas and I am a vocalist in the Isla Cocoa band where I perform my compositions.
Waiting for what lies ahead for me in the future. There we will see each other with a lot of love, discipline and encouragement because I am one of those who thinks that as long as you want to do things that fulfill you as a human being, it is the most meaningful way to represent life.
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Hola @ybr-music, excelente presentación, se nota que tienes una enorme potencialidad en el campo musical. Te felicito por todo ese trabajo que has venido realizando y seguro nos darás muchas sorpresas aquí en cada una de tus publicaciones. Desde ya te estoy siguiendo. Muy importante es que empieces a compartir lo más que puedas y así más personas podrán seguirte y ver tus publicaciones. Yo también soy violinista y toco algunos otros instrumentos. También soy compadre de Edy Marcano (él es padrino de mi hijo), mi compañero de estudios de Violín cuando tocábamos en la Orquesta Simón Bolívar (años 80 y 90). Puedes contar conmigo y te reitero todo mi apoyo. Tu publicación tiene muy buena calidad. Espero ver pronto tus próximas publicaciones.
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